
Do christians believe cavemen existed?

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We have evolved since cavemen walked the earth, pretty strong evidence of evolution don't ya think?




  1. Some Christians do.

    To note, not all Christians are Creationists and Creationists are the ones who would have cause to disbelieve evolution and thus disbelieve cavemen.

    However, there are Christians who are also evolutionists (the most famous such individual probably being Francis Collins, the former head of the Human Genome Project).

    Many Christians (and many scientists) do not see Evolution as either proving or disproving anything in the bible and thus believe Christians are as free to believe or disbelieve it as any other individual. Given the evidence for Evolution, most Christians, being so able to, do in fact then believe in Evolution.

  2. Adam and Eve had to live somewhere. There were no houses on the market when god put them on earth. If you started off with no tools the logical place to take shelter is in a natural structure such as a cave...

    That doesn't mean we came from monkeys.

  3. Five million thumbs-up to LimeKitty's answer:

    "Wow @ Chris.

    "You watch too much TV."

    I would like to add that "You paid too much attention in biology" and "You learn too much.""

    All hail the mighty Atheati Emperor!

    "The only evidence of evolution is basically within species."

    Lol.  Somebody needs to read The Ancestor's Tale.

  4. Christians do not believe anything universally.  Some of us have educations, some don't.  Some are mystical, some are pragmatic.  But cavemen, you know, cromagnon man, was modern man, so we did not evolve from them.  We are them.  Geez

  5. They have many arguements about that ie. Those bones aren't as old as science says they are (carbon dating inaccurate) or the even more humourous "Satan put them there to fool us"...

    There are even intelligent ones that merely accept that the Bible is not meant to be literal... therefore does not contradict evolution.

  6. Wow @ Chris.

    "You watch too much TV."

    I would like to add that "You paid too much attention in biology" and "You learn too much stuff that can be proven."

  7. Don't lump all Christians together. What you mean is Creationists. I'm a Christian and it seems clear to me that 'cavemen' existed. Presumably you mean other hominids such as Homo Neanderthalensis and Australopithecine?

    Mind you, Homo Sapiens didn't evolve from Homo Neanderthalensis, we share a common ancestor though.

  8. Genesis 1:26-28

    26 Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, [b] and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

    27 So God created man in his own image,

           in the image of God he created him;

           male and female he created them.

    28 God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground."

    This is the scripture where i believe that God created cave men! Also known as the "first man." In the paragraphs to follow you see where He created Adam and Eve.

  9. i think Adam and Eve were nothing like those stupid cavemen so no, evolution didn't happen

  10. Cavemen existed 14,000 years ago when god created the earth.  In fact, my great great grandfather's brother was a caveman.  Captain Caveman.

  11. Ok, so you know how whenever God cast Cain out and he says,  "Behold, you have driven me out this day from the surface of the ground. I will be hidden from your face, and I will be a fugitive and a wanderer in the earth. It will happen that whoever finds me will kill me." Who is he worried about killing him?? Where does he get his wife? Ok, god could just make him a wife, but why would Cain fear being killed when there is no one except him, and his parents? He later went on to build a city...Where did he get the people to build said city? Who lived in his city? He built it after he only had one son. So that would now be Adam, Eve, Seth, Cain, Cain's wife, and Enoch. That's a short list of people. I'm also assuming that he didn't build a city that meant he had the wood or cloth to make a house tent. If Cain could build a city, why would Adam and Eve live in a cave? So many questions...

  12. I would guess so. Most of them watch Bill O'reilly. He is the last Neanderthal in existence.

  13. There is no proof of what you call a caveman.

  14. I believe they existed and died out.  Similar to the dinosaurs.  That they existed doesn't make me believe evolution.

  15. Indeed, I see them on TV everyday in the Geico commercials

    PLUS -

    They have their own website, so yes, they do exist.  Don't believe me, check out the link

  16. I think, they still do.

    given the superstitions, they do believe as reality

  17. And what are we evolving into now?

    Evolution is a joke, nothing evolves, it dies and turning into worm food and then turns back into dirt, if this is evolution to you, looks like you have about 70 more years till you become dirt again

  18. Cavemen as in Neanderthals, or Cro-Magnons?  

    Either way, yeah.

  19. i believe that men did live in caves, just like Indians lived in tents. now we live in houses, apartments, lofts, trailer homes and so on. did we evolved in that aspect, yes.  do i think we came from apes? no.

  20. There are stories of people in the Bible who lived in caves. *shrug*  I think they tended goats.

    But I think you mean Neanderthals. And no, Christians do NOT believe in Neanderthals. - did you know that Neanderthals aren't even ancestors of homo sapiens sapiens? They're actually just another fork of the tree from Homo sapiens erectus. Kinda weird huh? Neanderthals apparently didn't do much for speech, but they kept most of the knowledge stored in huge brains, and it's thought that they might have had a kind of instinct that's passed down from mother to child, rather than starting from a blank slate like we do.

    I duno, I never really liked the term "caveman" - h**l, I'd live in a cave if I needed to. Sure it'd be hard to wire it for cable, but there are people who do that...  and aren't houses just man-made caves?

    Read Jean M. Auel's Earth's Children series sometime. Clan of the Cave Bear is the first one.

    Edit: whoah, let me clear up some confusion: Fundamentalist Christians are the ones who don't believe in Neanderthals - Other Christians might, it depends on how much science they've paid attention for.

  21. many believers don't believe in facts, science and evolution

  22. Not the cavemen that you are thinking of. Adam and Eve could have lived in a cave. Lot and his daughters lived in a cave and many other people in the bible could have lived in caves. The people in the bible like Adam, Eve, Noah, and Seth were just as smart as we are today. The men in the bible were building complex cities using complex tools.  

  23. I think that most of them denie or ignore the evidence, just like the rest of it. Or they think it is planted by satan or god to fool us.

  24. Oh, oh, look what you've done!  Scatter them in every direction looking for Buybulls so they can cut and paste scripture proving how god made cavemen

  25. "Circular Reasoning is an attempt to support a statement by simply repeating the statement in different or stronger terms.  In this fallacy, the reason given is nothing more than a restatement of the conclusion that poses as the reason for the conclusion."  {Circular Reasoning by Stephen Hagin}

    "Circular Reasoning: This fallacy occurs when you state your claim and then, usually after rewording it, you state it again as your reason. (this fallacy is also commonly called ‘Begging the Question’)"  {Logical Fallacies and Causal Terms from The Allyn & Bacon Guide to Writing}

    Begging the Question occurs when you "take for granted or assume the truth of the very thing being questioned."

    If by Caveman you mean Neanderthals (as most people think of 'caveman'), then no modern humans did not evolve from them. There is a lot of scientific data to back it up.

    If you mean Cro-Magnon, named after the Cro-Magnon cave in which they were found in Southwest France, then these were essentially modern homosapians.

    A 2003 study on Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal mitochondrial DNA, published by an Italo-Spanish research team led by David Caramelli, concluded that Neanderthals were far outside the modern human range, while Cro-Magnons were well in the average of modern Europeans. mtDNA retrieved from two Cro-Magnon specimens was identified as Haplogroup N. [5] Haplogroup N is found among modern populations of the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia, and its descendant haplogroups are found among modern Eurasian and Native American populations.

  26. There were never any "cavemen".  

    The truth is that Adam and Eve were the first people, and they were like us.  They were not "cavemen".

    You're watching too much TV.  "Evolution" is a total lie and it never happened.

  27. We haven't evolved since then.....just look @ Johnny Damon.

  28. The only evidence of evolution is basically within species.  Apes or ape-like creatures did not become men.  There is no evidence for that. Check out the "scientific" ages of various prehistoric men or pre-men, those ages demonstrate that the evolution of man is at this point ludicrous.  I am saying look at evolutionists own dating and you will see there is no sign of evolution in mankind.

    Christians do believe in 'cavemen', Troglodytes are apparently such and are in the Bible.  They were 100% human, but they had lost significant civilization techniques as well as technology.  

  29. It is true that scientists have found caves with heaps of ashes from fires, along with traces of food and other signs of human habitation. But that evidence does not tell us that all ancient men lived in caves, or that any who did, really form a link in a chain back to some type of “primitive man.” There are people today who are cave dwellers, such as the Tasaday of Mindanao in the Philippines. While some might consider the Tasaday to be primitive due to a simple life-style, they are not hairy, lumbering, apelike creatures at all.

    But have not scientists found skulls and bones of “ape-men,” proving that such creatures lived here at one time? First of all, it must be said that this type of fossil evidence is not plentiful. A few bones do not make a chain. Second, it is the way men interpret or explain what they find that poses problems. Interpreting scanty evidence is tricky. “As always, the fossil evidence is open to several interpretations,” said one evolutionist. Another admitted about fossils: “The study of human evolution is a game, rather than a science in the usual sense.” On ages of these fossils, still another said: “Anyone who feels that we already have the problem solved is surely deluding himself.” Scientists disagree among themselves about what they have found. They make reconstructions of what they discover, interpret it; then later they reinterpret the evidence and change their ideas. To illustrate:

    JAVA MAN was found in the early 1890’s, but it was not a complete skeleton. The Encyclopedia Americana says it consisted of “no more than a skull cap and a thigh bone.” The rest was a guess, and yet pictures appear of a hairy, apelike, stooped form. Do you think it possible to tell how much hair a creature had and what its skin color was from just a few bones? The discoverer claimed he had found an “ape-man,” but scientists now say it was an early man. Interpretation changed!

    PILTDOWN MAN for more than 40 years was exhibited as one evidence of the “evolutionary chain.” As recently as 1956 it was described in a dictionary as “an extinct species of man.” But in later editions the same dictionary called it “deliberately faked” and “an elaborate fraud.” Interpretations changed again. Why? During the years in between proof was found that it was a hoax, deliberately prepared to look like an ape-man fossil. While the skull fragment was human, the jaw portion was from another creature, possibly an orangutan. Somebody tried to “invent” an ape-man! Why were some scientists so easily deceived by fake evidence? Desperate, perhaps, grabbing at straws?

    NEANDERTHAL MAN is also one of the better-known parts of the so-called evolutionary chain. When the first skull portion was found one scientist called it the skullcap of an idiot. Gradually interpretations changed as more bones were discovered. From early reconstructions that showed Neanderthals to be stooped and apelike, with long arms dangling down in front, we now have books that say that “Neanderthal probably did not look very different from some people of today.” One encyclopedia now says that they were “completely human, fully erect.” What a change! Comparing the illustrations in various books will show the adjustments in the claimed appearance of Neanderthal man. And rather than his being an idiot, it is now admitted that Neanderthal man had a larger brain than most modern men!

    One reason why some scientists thought of Neanderthal as squat and bent is most interesting. An early skeleton found had bowed legs and a bent form. Of course, since they were looking for apelike creatures to fit their theory, how easy it was to make a mistake! Later, upon further examination, it was shown that the skeleton was deformed due to arthritis!

    Excavations made in southern Germany by the University of Tübingen have revealed new facts about the so-called “cavemen” of central and western Europe. Up until now this “early human being” was viewed as a “skin clad hunter of wild animals who fought with mammoths and bears,” wrote the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. This traditional picture must now be corrected. The discoveries seem to indicate that the caves were occupied only in early summer (more or less as summer residences) and were abandoned in the fall. It seems that even during the warm season the supposed “cavemen” stayed in their caves only during bad weather. The kitchen garbage found in some of the caves shows that eggs, fish and birds were their main food, not mammoths. According to the article, “Interesting round pearls and buttons made of bone presumably sewed into clothing made out of skins” were found, “demonstrating that even at that time people did not just wear the half raw skins of animals, but had quite a sense for decorative items.” Striking were the several ivory animal statuettes that were found. It is now thought that the part-time cave dwellers may have “rendered idolatrous worship” to the “mighty and dangerous animals.”

  30. No, I don't.

    Read my answer to another guy's similar question:

    Neanderthals were perfectly modern humans who lived during the first few hundred years after the Flood. Before the Flood, people were living to be over 900 years old, due to an atmosphere that protected them from the sun's damaging rays that cause aging.

    After the Flood, this protective layer was gone, so the damaging rays came in and started wreaking havoc on our bodies. The people who lived after the Flood could still live for a few hundred years, but that began to dwindle from about 400 down to 300, then 200, and today, few people make it to 100. When a person reaches a great age, their facial bones start to change. Their skulls thicken, their brow ridges thicken, and their noses and ears enlarge. Many of the Neanderthals were found with rickets, which is caused by a Vitamin D deficiency. We get Vitamin D from the Sun. During the time after the Flood, there was a great amount of volcanic activity due to the plates that were shifting up and down and back and forth from the weight of the Flood water on the mantle. This caused a great amount of volcanic activity, which blocked out the sun, thus causing the Rickets.

    After the Earth began to stabilize, the human race also began to stabilize, and since we couldn't live as long anymore, we ceased to have the bone-thickening symptoms that go with extreme old age. Neanderthals and modern Man are the same.

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