
Do cigarettes go up at midnight from the irish budget?

by  |  earlier

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Do cigarettes go up at midnight from the irish budget?




  1. Hopefully.

    I think smoking is a disgusting habit.

  2. They are making it so hard for me to live in my own country.

  3. They where 7-Euro when I was there in Sept.

    I couldn't imagine the prices you pay there already.

    I mean really the conversion to American Dollars is $10.00 per pack.

    I pay $6.25 here thought that was bad until I traveled & my price differance to the conversion once again was almost 4 dollars cheeper in the States.

  4. Very likely.  They did every other time, went up overnight as soon as price hikes were announced.

  5. I worked in retail for a number of years, and my experience is the price of f**s goes up asap in shops, regardless of how many weeks worth they have in stock.

    So, my guess, yes (some pub machines etc may be slower in putting up the price, but their prices are inflated)

  6. can you still smoke in pubs ? are they going up in price because of taxes ?

  7. OH yea up 30 cents 7.45 for 20 b&h time to give up me thinks

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