
Do city employers have a quota to meet in hiring females?

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for male dominated jobs?

There is a job I applied for with the Police and I hope I have a leg up on other applicants because I am a female. Is this wishful thinking?




  1. Some agencies may. When I joined the State Patrol, they had five different hiring lists. Male, female, black, Hispanic, and Native American. They selected the top candidates off each list to reflect the percentage of that group of people in the state.

    A friend of mine who applied to another state agency told me they did something similar.

  2. Best candidate should get the job.  Race and gender should never  be used to pick a candidate even president.  The best person should get the job.

  3. If you are a white female, yes, you are dreaming. You will not be given any preference.

  4. it's UNETHICAL thinking ! You feel you should get the job over someone who's shown more skills & would most likely be a better police officer, just because you're a woman ? Seems a bit selfish for a wannabe civil servant !

  5. yes, that is a fact of life in major cities and departments.

    In the city where I worked there were 3 lists, white, black, and Hispanic.

    They also used females as another list.

    If you were a minority female you counted as 2 minority hires with the federal government.

    Whether or not you have an advantage depends on the status within that department and how many females they need to reach their "goals"

  6. Many departments do. Mine does not, our chief has a firm policy of hiring the best person for the job, if our department ends up being all white males or all black females or all asian females, black males, ect........So be it, at least we have the most qualified people

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