
Do clothes in the store correspond to the stock available online?

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I know my question doesn't make sense, because I don't know how to put it in words. But if a shirt is only available sizes medium and large online, are there any chances there's a size small in the stores?




  1. For most large retail stores, on-line orders are filled using stock from a centralized warehouse. Some inventory systems will adjust (transfer items from individual stores to warehouse) if the demand for that item is high. Therefore the stock on-line doesn't always accurately reflect the stock in-store and you MAY be able to find your shirt in-store.

    You could call up stores in your state/province to see if they have your size. If they do, ask if they can send to you. Unfortunately, many stores transfer policy does not allow transfer outs for special orders, but some do. I doesn't hurt to ask. If they can't send it to you, ask if they can hold it longer so you come pick it up (if the store is in a neighboring town); most stores will at least do an extended hold if you explain the situation (talk to the manger).

    I hope that helps and you find what your looking for!

  2. No, the clothes online are the main supply.

    The only situation where the store has something that isn't online is when

    -It is on clearance

    -It is last seasons styles

    -There is an error in the shop.

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