
Do coach look at the players if they got heart?

by Guest63978  |  earlier

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Hi, I'm 14 years old, with a heart murmur and won't be on the field by the 28th.. but by then everyone will know they're positions and I really really wanna start and I've done alot of stuff and sacrifices to show up to every practice every meeting and every varsity game to learn how to be a good safety.. Do coaches look at they're players heart? Cause I really really love the game and would do whatever it takes to be a starter.





  1. Yes! From my experience as a high school football coach and a collegiate athlete. Heart is everything. Coaches notice when you're not around and they notice when you show up to things like games and meetings. If you give it your all, and if you come up short right away, you need to press on and keep trying. We as coaches hate quiters. So, keep working hard and show them what your all about.

    Good Luck

  2. Yea for sure coaches look at players with heart...when i was in school we had a kid who was always trying very very hard but was about 5 foot nothing and weighed like 125lbs and he was soo scrapy always tryin really hard and coach would play him at DT and he would do pretty decent cause he would just shoot a gap and clog it up and would be soo low to the ground, we all called him rudy like the movie,

    but it sounds like you know it takes some work and your on the right track just be at every practice no matter what even if you  cant play for a health reason just be there to learn what you have to. and this is the most important thing i can tell you make sure your not afraid to approach your coaches to ask them little things you can do to improve cause they notice things you dont and they will respect you alot more if they know your that interested in the game and are willing to do what ever where as most kids are affraid of the coaches and just wanna play for popularity reasons

  3. Yes they look at your heart and the desire to be the best at your game.

    But they also know that no game in no level of play is worth giving up your life over. I hope that your heart murmor situation isnt serious and doesnt keep you from fullfilling your dream. Dont get ridiculous and try to be a hero out their ,there are far more important issue's in your life such as your health being one of them. If your disability is a limited

    one and your cleared to play on days when your heart is working correctly yes your coach will put out their providing your a huge help in the team ability to win, but huge contibutor or not if your health is at serious risk dont expect your coach to play you young man, we all admire your desire to play but everyone including myself that answer your question will tell you the same thing its not worth losing your life over, take it easy, one day at a time. Enjoy the moments you do play, most important thing is being their with your teammates knowing your a big part of this team, and not your teammates attending your funeral.

    Too many kids take senseless risks when so young but with patients and good coaching can over come disabilities such as yours and have a long and prosperous career in their sport of choice.

    Good luck to you.

  4. yea they do but skill comes before hearth to coaches don't forget coaches want to win thats what they get paid for,if theres no one better for the safety position you will get it.believe me i been in your position i didn't start varsity until 11th grade because there where player's better than me.even thought i worked harder than them.thats just how it is man just keep working hard im sure you will at least get a spot for jv.

  5. oh heck yeah bro! most coaches will put in a lesser player with alot of heart than an all-star who doesnt care. and it sounds like ur d**n good player so i dont think u should be worried

  6. No, trust me, I had heart and i tried my best and i didnt even start until like 2 weeks later but yeah i didnt wait to long but it eventually pays off.

    And the same thing happened to me and i was so mad.

  7. Well yeah, haven't you ever seen 'Rudy'?

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