
Do college students' parents buy their cigarettes while they?

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are going to college or do college students' buy their own cigarettes?




  1. I dont think no parent would do that ever to their child.. unlese like that one person above me had said if theyre parents gave them money and the kid buys cigarettes without them knowing then the parents not the one whos buying them..its the kid whos buying it.

  2. I would not buy my son cigarettes and he'd better not be buying any.

  3. Any parent that would buy smokes for their kids should have their heads examined.  But, if parents give their kids money while their kids are in college and the kids turn around and buy smokes would that be the same thing as the parent buying the cigarettes? HMMM.

  4. I know of very few students who smoke, and those who do, certainly buy their own.  Their parents have very little interest in killing their own kids!

  5. I certainly would never buy my child cigarettes. It's their life and their choice to smoke, but they would have to buy their own cigarettes because I would not support the fact that they used something that could be so damaging to their health.

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