
Do colleges allow reptiles such as snakes/alligators/large lizards?

by Guest62773  |  earlier

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i want to know if they will let me keep one as a pet in my dorm

when i go next year in the fall?




  1. That is a hard question to answer.  The answer is probably no, but all colleges are different.  The problem is the colleges are concerned with the risk of potential damages caused by pets.  even if it is in a tank.  And of course I am more than sure that they are not going to allow any dangerous animal like a gator.   Do you have experience with reptiles.  Most of what you listed needs special care from diet to lighting.   Your best bet is to ask the college where you are going, and then go from there.  If they allow pets your choice will be limited to what kind they allow.  Good Luck

  2. Some do; some don't.  This isn't a question for Yahoo! Answers rather a question for your specific college/univerity.  You need to contact the school and ask.

  3. It depends on several things - university/college policy and local/state policy.

    Most universities frown heavily on pets in the dorms - some may allow fish in an aquarium, others might allow animals beyond fish.  (I'm not aware of any that allow mammals of any kind.)  You'd have to look at the housing policies for whatever colleges or universities you're applying to.

    Regardless of what the university says, you might have to deal with local laws that might restrict the kinds of reptiles you can have.  In my state (Iowa), alligators aren't allowed as pets without expensive permitting, and my city (Iowa City) has its own ordinances that prohibit some of the larger snakes that can actually eat dogs and cats (e.g. Burmese pythons).  These may or may not apply to campus housing; again, you'll have to ask.

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