
Do colleges have dance teams?

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I really want to be involved with dance when I go to college. I've never taken formal lessons (other than when I was little) but I'm pretty good at dancing.

Therefore, I know I probably won't make an offical team but are there intermural* dance teams or classes or anything like that at most colleges???




  1. Yes, there are. Not every college has a dance team though. It just depends on where you would like to go.

    If I were you, I wouldn't be on a dance team if it's not what you want to do for your carrer. I would foucus on what you truly want and love to do. If you arn't dancing now, I would suggest you do! It would really help to go far in your future. Good luck!

  2. Several colleges do.  I went to a school that had a formal "dance team" that performed at the men's volleyball game, but we also had a less formal step team, and plenty of other oppertunities to dance.

  3. Some plus it depends on what country or state you live in

  4. Don't sell yourself short! There are dance teams, and even without past experience, you can make the team. Keuka College in New York state's gorgeous Finger Lakes region has a "legacy" dance team that was founded not long ago by a student who was killed in a car accident. The school is a very well-respected four-year private school. The girls wear very cute dance outfits. Have fun at college!

  5. yup! there are classes for dancing in college. and yes there are intramurals. im not sure if most colleges do have it but u could ask or check their websites to make sure which one does.

    goodluck on that.

    hope i helped!

  6. I'm pretty sure most calleges hav dance teams.

  7. Yes, most have drill teams.

    And most also offer dance classes almost like electives in high school.

  8. some do. you can go to a college specifically for that though

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