
Do colleges like if you were a foreign exchange student?

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I might be taking a semester of my senior year in Ethiopia, and i would like to know if colleges like students that have done such a thing.




  1. serch your degree from

  2. That's what I'm doing in France right now (as a senior in high school), and I think its helped immensely. Someplace like Ethiopia would surely help-- it shows you've got the dedication and maturity to survive away (way, way, away) from home.

    You can write about it in your essays and put it on your activities resume, just make sure they realize that it was for a semester, and not just some summer one-week program.

    Good luck!!!!


    thousands of kids have 3.0's and volunteer and all that but how many have gotten to mature the way you will abroad?!?!?

  4. Heii! I'm an exchange student from Switzerland, and I'm a Senior in California right now. Just do it, you won't regret it. Colleges will love it. It shows, that you're really independent, and that you have a strong personality to do something like that by yourself. I mean, the College will see, that you took all AP classes before you went to Ethiopia. I think it's a great advandtage to get into a College. I don't think they will transfer your grades from Ethiopia into US grades. The school system will probably be way different, and the College will recognize that. So I can just say: DO IT. I wasn't sure either, before i started this year, but now I'm so glad that I just did it. It was one of my best decisions ever. I learnes do much about the language, culture and country and a gained a lot of new friends and experiences. So, have fun!!

  5. Something of such stature always looks good, especially if it backs your major. I know it looks good on a resume for sure. I have already been abroad, and plan on doing either a semester or full academic year eventually.

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