
Do colleges look at AP classes you take in freshman year?

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I'm planning to take AP human geography, but I don't know if it's worth the effort if colleges won't look at it.




  1. ya lust not advanced classes but if u do bad it like getting a bad grade in a regular class so be careful!!!

  2. Yup, colleges look at your AP classes.

    Be confident, though. I took AP Human Geography class my freshmen year too and I got a C-

  3. It depends on the college to be honest... some colleges view only senior, others all, some see if you only took the test, others see if you passed with a perfect five.

    More than likely taking it will be a good investment of your time (and possibly money) but if you know you can't pass the test with just a freshman's knowledge, you'll just disappoint yourself.

  4. Most colleges look at all the classes you take in 9th-12th with the greatest emphasis on your sophomore & junior years, and your grades from your freshman year factor into your gpa just the same as the others.

    I'm about to start my senior year, and I've attended a ton of information sessions for colleges - Stanford, Yale, USC, Williams, NYU and probably about a dozen others - and at every one they say the level of difficulty of your classes is more important than your grade. You are being bold & taking a risk by taking an AP class your freshman year, and that is very impressive. They would rather see you get a B or even a C in an AP class than an A in a regular class.

    All that being said, Human Geography IS a difficult course. You can't even take it until you're a sophomore at my school. I took it in 10th, and I thought it was incredibly interesting, and I learned so much from it, but it was time consuming & tough. I got a 5 on the AP exam, though. So......that was cool.

    At my school freshman are allowed to take AP language or literature classes (Latin, French, Spanish), European History, Art History or Psychology. You might want to consider taking one of these classes instead if they are offered at your school. Ask your guidance counselor / advisor for advice on this.

    Good luck. Freshman year was actually my favorite. : )

  5. yes, and if you test out at the end of the year, that entire credit goes toward college and you can skip that year.

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