
Do commercials turn you off so bad sometimes that you will avoid their products??

by  |  earlier

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Like when I click on a web page and an add pops onto my screen that I can't remove. I hate it when that happens. Or when I want to see a video clip and I got to sit through a blasted commercial first to see it. I don't mind a 15 second one or less sometimes, but a 30 second one I will usually just cancel and move on to something else. I had one I wanted to see today so bad that I sat through that d**n 30 second commercial, only to find that the video itself was only 15 seconds long and not worth even looking at. Makes me mad!




  1. .  I just remind myself that the "show" i want to watch would not be there if someone wasn't paying some money to sponsor it.  I do dislike them, tho.

  2. I'm the same way!  I would never buy Geico insurance, because all their commercials drive me insane (as do those freecredit report ones.)  When I click on a video and see an advertisement, it just makes me think negatively about the stupid product.  It sucks!

  3. Yes. We have one that airs here with a man doing a commercial about Diabetes. His voice gets on my nerves so bad that I would never buy anything from that company if I had Diabetes.


  4. Yeah Tottaly with you  

  5. It's the you've won this or you have a message from here that really bug me or the ones that pop up every time you put your mouse over a simple word like time, and 6 different adverts come up advertising watches. You'd think people would realise harassing people won't get them custom.

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