
Do companies really value their people or is it really just a feel good statement?

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I just wanted to get feeback from the working people if they feel their company (no names please) really value their employees; by this I mean does their direct managers take time to develop their direct charges or do the employees feel that their direct managers spend more time making themselves look good and not taking enough time to understand their charges strengths and weaknesses.

Do you feel as if your company truely values your opinions, your manager works with you to help you grow, or do you feel as if other people get that promotion for they have made the "right contacts" to further their career.

I believe it was Jack Welch (GE) who thought it was a compliment that other companies "raided" his people, because it showed he was doing something right.




  1. My employer (an international company present in almost 50 countries worldwide) doesn't pay for overtime, pays lousy wages, continually tells us that we are making record profits yet is always pushing us more and more, etc.

    I don't feel valued beyond my ability to make them money, hence I'm planning to leave and go into business for myself.

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