
Do computers or computer monitors cause cancer or leukemia?

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Do computers or computer monitors cause cancer or leukemia?




  1. I hope not!

  2. Hi - I have leukemia. They don't honestly know what causes it, perhaps a collection of many different environmental concerns. Growing up I was exposed to 2nd hand smoke, had many broken bones and lots of stress and was always anemic. I try not to spend too much time on the computer, and I can't use a cell phone or I'll get a nose bleed, or a micro wave cause I'll get a stomach ache. I guess I am not totally sure if it is all that bad for a healthy person or if I just need to be careful since I already have it. Anyway, I hope you are well and don't have to worry too much. Take care.

  3. No documented evidence exists that computers or monitors cause cancer or leukemia. There are tons of young people who use computers and monitor and if this were a cause for cancer you would expect to see far more young people with cancer. Cancer in the young remains rare.

  4. Nope. Only eyestrain, where are you people getting your myth information from?!  

  5. Er..not that i know off..

  6. hmm i believe there is no black and white evidence... but as far as eyes is concern, it can cause myopia.. short-sighted..

  7. While it's not been proven I do wonder this myself. Every set your cell phone down near your computer and it causes a weird noise because its electric field? I worry sometimes that it could s***w with our own bio-electric fields. Maybe I'm just paranoid though...

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