
Do cons reject liberalism because liberals have made it unacceptable for cons to express their prejudices?

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Is that what the railing against political correctness is about?

How many people yearn for the bygone days of yesteryear when people could just "call a spade a spade?"

How many cons bristle at the thought that women might have aspirations beyond making babies and baking cookies?

How many cons are outraged because g*y people feel they have the right to be g*y in public?

How many cons are actually just "pro-bigotry?"




  1. I can't believe you are saying that, especially after the 'field day' the liberal media has had with all the sexism towards Palin and the ageism towards McCain. hypocrites!

    'none are so blind as those who choose not to see'.

  2. umm, wasnt it liberals that were saying Palin should have stayed at home and raised her children instead of running for political office?

    Give the kettle my regards

  3. Well, I have no problems with cons "expressing" their prejudices. I just don't want them to mix them with the government.

  4. Conservatives reject Liberals and Liberalism  (Socialist Communism) because you represent a failed policy.  As America descends into "liberalism" the gap between the haves and the have-nots will widen, big government will become the master, more rioting will (have to) occur until total collapse opens the door for our demise at the hands of say,.,,.an evil Russia.

  5. Personally, I never see racism on the right.  Every time anyone even mentions the word, like you, it's a liberal.

    (And I think you're lying about being a liberal.  Perhaps you're too embarrassed to admit it.  Most people who stereotype the right as racist are either liberals or they are the dupes of liberals and don't know any better.)

  6. Cons reject liberalism because:

    1) They are too stupid to know what liberalism is.

    2) Hitler and Mussolini didn't like liberals either.

    3) Conservatism is "compassionate" according to the (_*_) they shoehorned into the White House in spite of the election.

  7. Why do you think that when Republican administrations have more minorities in key positions than democratic ones.

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