
Do consuls check their database during VISA interview?

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Here's my problem: I'd be applying for a tourist US visa soon but my mom is a Legal Permanent Resident. She was initially a tourist then subsequently filed for an adjustment of status. Will that affect my application? Do consuls check the history of your relatives (who are permanent residents/US citizens) and deny you if they overstayed and changed their status there? I'm not going to lie that my mom is a greencard holder but what should I tell the consul should s/he ask me how my mom became a GC holder?




  1. Stick to the truth. If asked about your mother, tell them the truth (you said she is a legal resident). I really doubt they also pull her file unless their suspicion is raised for some reason. But if they do ask how she entered the use, then tell them how she applied for a change in status after entering on a VWP. However, I really think they will base their decision on your actions, not that of your relatives.

  2. Hi, I was in a similar situation before, and I hear ya. When you apply for the Visa, there's a certain form (sorry I forgot which one) which will ask you if you have any relatives living in the US, their entry visa to the US, and their current status.  So when you get to your interview, be prepared that the interviewer may ask you about it, (although in my case, my interviewer didn't bring it up.  I personally think they have too much paperwork to be able to nitpick.  I believe the weight of the decision is carried by the interview).  Be truthful, but don't offer more information than necessary. Focus on Your intentions (not what your mom's intentions might have been back then) ...Make a note of all your circumstances that tie you to your country (job, school, property, special someone, etc.).  Think - it's the interviewer's job to assume that you will overstay your visa.  The burden lies on you to try to convince him otherwise, so take note of all the facts!  Hope this helps. Good Luck!

  3. they do look at everything,just do not lie,

    if you overstayed? you more likely will be denied,

    he will not have to ask you how your mom became a resident, he has access to all files;


    you will find out when you have the interview,i cannot answer that,sorry;

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