
Do contact lenses damage the eyes?????

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Is there a brand or kind of lense that does not damage the eye? I think I might need prescription and would prefer coloured contacts, also - would the coloured lenses damage more than the clear ones?




  1. no the colored and clear ones are exactly the same

    sweety anything that goes IN your eye is going to damage

    but not too much, like barely noticable and it helps you more than damage really.

    america is really good about sterilization so all lenses are good but if your still uncomfortable ask your eye doctor to reccommend some of his/or her favorites

    and ps, colored eye lenses would be something new and a cute change

    vote for me if ya liked it

    <3 sarah

  2. Wearing contacts will damage the eyes be it to be in wearing which type of lenses. The better contact will reduced the effect like those silicone lenses. More oxygen flow. Better for the eyes. Generally, one person eyes can only accept wearing contacts for up to about 15years afterwhich the eye will reject lenses.

  3. no

    u cant even fell dem at all

    but at da begginin dey like

    bother u a lil n like itch

    but its because u have to get use 2 dem

    n in  2 or 3 days

    dey start jus feelin regulr

    but ppl (ma mom)

    says dat sum ppl in her work

    dat her eyes got swollen with contacts

    but dat only happens

    wen u dont change da solution

    or wen u dont wash yo hands b4 u put dem on


    put alot of solution n moisturize dem good

    so dey wont bother

    n no dey dont damage your eyes!!

  4. Contacts are safe as long as you don't abuse them.  Most people who end up damaging their eyes sleep in them, overwear them, don't clean them properly, or get them without being properly fitted first.  As long as you get contacts through your optometrist, have him/her monitor your eye health, and take care of the lenses properly, you shouldn't have any damage to your eyes.  :)

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