
Do cops think its cool to pepper spray and tase people when they have guns and bb vests and tons of backup ?

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there have been tooo many cases of police brutality ....

what is the mantality of the average cop..that normal people are the enemy>??/




  1. Yes it is fair. Watch the video and take notes.

  2. Their mentality is that "normal" people deserve to be protected from scum... and so they take whatever actions they need to do that.

  3. The mantality?  What is your mantality?

    Perhaps the police should shoot them instead - or jump on them and beat the h**l out of them with sticks.

    What is a bb vest?  Bullet broof?

  4. It is pretty fun.  I must say though that it's not usually normal people who they go after, it's the scumbags.  

  5. No, I think it's cool to keep from having to wrestle some idiot who doesn't want to be held responsible for their actions.  There's no point in me risking a career-ending injury because some mentally ill, drunk, or drugged fool doesn't want to go to jail.  

    I also think it's cool that I have the safe tools and technology designed to allow me to take someone into custody with a very minimum of risk to either that person or myself.

    You show your ignorance when you say cops have tons of backup.  In rural parts of this country, some cops have backup an hour or more away.

    And yes, we do have guns.  Would you prefer I shoot someone instead of using OC or a Taser?  Are you at all familiar with the idea of a use of force continuum?  No, probably not.

    If you're referring to a ballistic vest, I'm not sure what it has to do with your question.  You understand those vests are good for resisting bullets, but do very little else in terms of infusing the wearer with super-powers, right?

    Yes, there have been too many cases of police brutality.  Someday, we'll have perfect cops who won't be tempted to do those kinds of things.  Until then, we're stuck using humans as police officers.  

    Tell me what "mantality" is, and perhaps I can address that last question.

  6. No.. So you would rather they shoot people with those "guns" instead of using non-lethal force?

    "Cops" put their lives on the line for you everyday so you don't have too.  I'd appreciate them a little more if I was you-unless your the type the cops need to be using these things on.

  7. I don't believe that cops think it's 'cool' to torture people, i think they just do that out of the sheer inertia of our society. They receive an order on their radio and they follow it without thinking that they are messing up somebody's life and possibly causing that person and other people in that person's community irreparable harm.

    And i don't agree with your use of 'too many police brutality' cases as an example. One case would be way too much.

    We need social revolution and get rid of the inequality in our society!

  8. No policemen are real people just like we are. They chose a job perhaps thinking they can make a difference. I would rather they taze and pepper sprayed than shoot. What would you like them to do, run over them shoot to kill?

    What do you mean there mantality? My grandson is a policeman and came out third in his class works a beat that he needs all the protection he can get. I see him take money out of his own pocket to feed hungry children. So does this fit a bad cop?

  9. Not sure what the cops think, but I love to see a good pepper spraying and tasing.  

  10. Hopefully, they know how to find the "edit" button in Yahoo Answers.

    Anyway, it doesn't matter if cops think that it's cool to tase or spray them if the circumstances warrant it.  Taking away their pepper spray and tasers only leaves them with guns and nightsticks (Hey, it's Sean Bell and Rodney King!!)  

    I doubt that the mentality of the average cop finds these things all that cool since 1) they add to the decisionmaking needed for any situation (do I shoot or spray?), requiring more sophisticated understanding of the level of force needed; 2) suggests that officers will be required to act individually in more circumstances - meaning that he won't be able to spread the responsibility when things go down; and 3)cops like using tools that they know - I remember that the shift to 9mm automatics was not widely appreciated by many officers who were all too comfy with their revolvers.  Besides the comfort of familiarity, the new hardware was another factor that would require their demonstrated proficiency.

    You really need to appreciate what all that other hardware means - for one thing, vests only protect the officers themselves, and many situations involve deadly force being threatened by criminals against other civilians.  Guns are fine when deadly force is required, though the line between the two becomes blurry when deadly force is all you've got.  

    Lastly, that part about "tons of backup", I've got to ask - are you for real?  Just whose side are you in this mess, anyway?  Certainly not the side of civilians being faced by cops.  Adding cops (especially taser-less and spray-less cops) just adds the number of gun barrels aimed at you, and maximizes the chance that one of those cops is going to see something wrong and start firing.

  11. First of all, YES, there are many documented cases of police brutality.  That is just a given.  They make plenty of great movies and TV shows regarding the abuse of authority that's been exhibited by officers across the globe.

    That being said...most peace officers do NOT think of it as "cool" to pepper spray, tase, or shoot people.  As a matter of fact, most would prefer to be able to go through an entire career without having to have ever drawn their baton, OC, or gun---and a lot do!  

    What you need to understand is that most police go through academies that teach them what is referred to as "escalation of force".  This means that if an officer is trying to control a subject they start with their words and body language.  If the subject fails to comply, they escalate to use of hands.  If this fails, they would probably escalate to baton.  If the subject is extremely uncooperative and physically too strong for the officer to control than they might escalate to the Taser (if their department has them) or OC/Pepper Spray.  Now, as a last ditch effort, if the subject is extremely violent and/or draws a weapon, of any kind, then the officer has been forced to escalate to the level of deadly force and that means drawing their firearm.

    I hope this helps to explain why, when and how peace officers would use the tools you asked about.

  12. No, I prefer to just shoot you.

    Note the sarcasm.

  13. You bet they do. They love to pepper spray a criminal as opposed to shooting his sorry a**. (I put in the "*" to save Yahoo the time).

    And they have guns, bb vests (must mean bp vests) and tons of backup. Now, why in the world would they need all that. Couldn't they just run over a perp with their police car?

    What is "tooo" many cases of police brutality? How many have there been? Ever think how many police/civilian contacts occur every day and how many cases of Police Brutality you see on the nightly news?

    Pales in comparison.

  14. Of course there is lots of video of pepper spray and taser incidents.  The alternative, being killed, is messy and not palatable prime time viewing.

    I would rather be tazed then shot. Or even hit with a nightstick.

    Does it appear that cops are reaching for the pepper spray or the tazer 'early' as compared to a gun?  Yep, that's the point.  To end the episode BEFORE it reaches that level.

  15. That's true, I think the police pick on people.

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