
Do core-class grades matter for pre-pharmacy major?

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I currently have a 2.8 UTD in Richardson, TX. My science and Math GPA is around 3.1, and my other classes' GPA is about a 2.4. As ironic as it sounds for this to happen, I spend hours upon hours studying for science/math classes and I don't really care for the other classes. Is this a huge mistake? Do Pharmacy schools really care for good grades in other classes?

Also, I have taken 36 hours at the university level. I completely bombed my first semester with a 2.5 because I was pledging for a fraternity. The next semester, I got a 3.1. Should I be scared and consider changing my major, or should I stick with it? I'm just so nervous right now. I just took Chemistry II over the summer and two community college classes. I was doing very well in the class, but then I completely bombed the final (which was the national exam). I ended up getting a B+ in the class, but if I had gotten three more questions right on the final, I would have got an A-.

Lastly, should I even get a bachelor's degree, or should I just do the pre-pharmacy requisite and apply ASAP? I want to almost guarantee acceptence into Pharmacy School. I'm only getting a major in Neuroscience because I figure that I'll have a better chance.

Would studying abroad help/volunteering at a hospital?

I have been working at CVS/Pharmacy for the past month and I intend to work there for years to come.

Lastly, some people say that getting a pharmacy degree elsewhere, such as India, is faster but much harder, due to living conditions and hard constant work/studying. I was born here, but I'm from Indian descent so I wouldn't mind it so much.

Any suggetions? What other steps should I take to better my chances of getting accepted into a Pharmacy School?





  1. Every grade matters.  At my school, they require an overall GPA of 2.5.  Your chances of acceptance are very low.  An Indian pharmacy degree is an unacceptable degree to practice in the U.S.

  2. If its anything like nursing school, all your grades will matter.  Because of the demand for nurses, the schools near me have a waiting list for admission, and it's ALL based on grades.  The local community college here only accepts 30 students each year and the only way to guarantee acceptance is to have high prereq grades.  Perhaps it's the same for pharmacy and perhaps not.  Seems like anything in medicine has quite a demand and is rather competitive.  Working at CVS pharmacy won't help you in the least when the school chooses its candidates for the program.  They don't care if you work at McD's.  A major in neuroscience won't necessarily guarantee acceptance either.  All they will be interested in is if you've taken the core classes required for acceptance, and what your grades were like in those classes.  Getting a bachelors before applying for the program won't matter to them either.  That's my take on it anyhow.  Good luck in your decisions.

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