
Do corn snakes need heat lamps?

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i am looking at a really coll glow-in-the-dark lamp for my future corn snake and i need to no if i need it.




  1. I thought you're a herpetologist in training? you should know the answer then. a herpetologist in training means you're in college at least pursuing your bachelor's degree in biology, in preparation of your masters in herpetology, which I highly doubt. you can't even spell herpetologist, that's what's funny. turns out you're a little kid who's trying to get past your parent's parental control according to one of your previous questions. pervert. quit telling lies

  2. No.  They naturally digest and warm up through belly heat.  You need an under tank heat mat and yes it MUST be temp controlled with either a thermostat (they are not expensive) or a dimmer switch.  The surface temp needs to be 85F...UTH mats can get over 100F.  Even if your house is warm, it is not concentrated heat.  Join the forums for expert advice:

  3. Heating: Provide a heat mat that covers about 1/3 of the tank floor. The heat mat may be thermostatically controlled if you wish but this is not essential, as long as there is a temperature gradient across the vivarium (very easy to achieve if you only position the mat over one side) and thermostats are very expensive. Corn snakes are nocturnal and use the heat from the ground, not heat from the sun so heat lamps are not suitable. Hot rocks are never suitable for any pet as they provide a localised source of heat that is too hot. A cold snake may curl around it, seriously burning itself.

    Lighting is unnecessary for corns as they do not use UV to synthesize vitamin D3.

  4. All reptiles are coldblooded so they DO need a heatsource but it doesnt have to be a light

  5. They need some form of heat source.

    A lamp is preferable to a mat as the snake isn't forced to be in close contact with it at all times and risk overheating, but a lamp also only emits heat when its on, and your snake will need to be in the dark occasionally just like the rest of us.

    Perhaps a lamp and mat combo (underneath a good layer of wood chippings) to balance things is your best compromise, but it's heavily dependent on the size and ventilation of your vivarium and the ambient external night temperature.

  6. you would be best to get both an overhead lamp and a undermat.  Snakes need the belly heat to properly digest their food.  Snakes will get sick if they cant digest their food

  7. Corn snakes do not necessarily need a heat lamp but they do need a form of heat to keep a 88-90 degree hot spot at one end of the tank. I recommend using T-rex, Zoo-Med, or Cobra under tank heat mats. Although you will need a rheostat for heat control. A rheostat is basically a dimmer switch for lights but you plug the Under tank heater into it and measure the temperature at different settings until you get it right. I REALLY wouldn't recommend a Black light or other glow in the dark bulb as we do not have that much research on the effects of those light wavelengths on snakes.

  8. nope.......a heat pad under the cage/terrarium will work just fine.If you keep your house at a constant temperature you really don't even need that.The most important thing is fresh water and a secure cover.I have 2 and love them to pieces.I keep them in a 75 gallon aquarium.

    But remember they are escape artists.

  9. I use a heat lamp and a UTH(under tank heater) it depends onn your preference though. If the tank doesnt have anyway for heat to escape from under the tank (my tank hangs off the table by 2in so the heat can ventalate) then you should stick with the light. My snake prefers her UTH and hardly ever basks on her brance under the heat lamp.

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