
Do couples who have an open relationship stay together at the end?

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I just wanted to know this because my girlfriend wants to have an open relationship and I'm scared to loose her if she finds someone that is better and can replace me.




  1. i have never known of a single couple that had an open relationship that stayed together.

  2. That means shes bored! I think she will leave you!  

  3. Her side of the relationship is probably already 'open'. Better hit the ground running and don't look back.

  4. The couples I know are still together. Being exclusive is not a guarantee that you will stay together, just as having an open relationship will not automatically lead to a break-up. It all depends on the couple and on what both individuals are comfortable with. If you're not comfortable with the idea, don't do it - it's that simple. Find someone who has relationship ideas that are similar to yours, and she can find someone with ideas more similar to hers.

  5. I would be a little hesitant and if you are not cool with the idea let her know before you end up getting hurt over this. She may just want to see whats out there and have fun, if she is young that is probably it. I felt that way at first when I was with my husband but I soon realized that I would NEVER want another girl to kiss him or anything else for that matter ever again so I knew we had to be exclusive. But who knows, this might be for the best as she may soon realize that you are good for her and she doesn't need to look around or "experiment". Good Luck!  

  6. sounds dangerous, even if she just wants to experiment, it might end up making you feel pretty used.

  7. No way. Its all fun and games until one of you finds someone who sweeps you off your feet, or does things to and for you your partnet would or could never do. My sister was married and they had an open relationship guess what? They are no longer married he ended up with a girl he was seeing, and my sister couldnt get upset because she opened that window. Be careful.  

  8. Well- I don't think anything like that will last! I think its probably a way out of the door and I think you may get ready to see any end to the relationship.

  9. I doubt it.  

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