
Do cows get AIDS?

by  |  earlier

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If so, then can I get AIDS from drinking their milk?




  1. No I Dont think so they cant  get AIDS

  2. AIDS is caused by HIV (Human immunodeficiency virus).  It is a human specific virus and cannot be contracted by other animals.

  3. AIDS is the disease caused by the HIV retro-virus.  Although other animals can contract HIV, they do not harbor the virus in their DNA like humans and they can never aquire AIDS from it.

    There are many other species specific retro=viruses.  Simian Immuno-virus and Feline Immuno-virus (SIV and FIV) are both well known and are also species specific.  

    So far, I have heard of no Bovine Immuno-virus, but even if one existed, it most likely would also be species specific (since these things must reproduce in the host DNA) and not transferrable to humans.

  4. yah from me :]

  5. depends what youve been doing to them LOL
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