
Do cows have it lucky, because they don't know they are going to finally end up as 'meat' in some abattoir?

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Do cows have it lucky, because they don't know they are going to finally end up as 'meat' in some abattoir?




  1. Ignorance is bliss?

    And if they're super lucky they'll end up as a tasty burger.

  2. We are cows to the elite.

  3. I would have to say yes animals in general are lucky cuz they don't know they are gonna die.....we on the other hand are aware of our mortality.

  4. I am certain they know.

  5. Do you know how you will die?  When you will die? What will happen to you after you die?

    Really, just like the cow you have it lucky also.

  6. How do you know that they don't know?  We all will end up as dead meat at some point in time. We will all leave this life behind; and when we get where we are going, we may look back and realize that it was a second rate life. A life after life, maybe the best is ahead, but I am in no rush to get there.

  7. Are you lucky because you don't know all of the circumstances under which you are going to die?  If you you claim that not knowing your mortal fate in detail implies luckiness, then by your reasoning, any time that you are unlucky, you have greater knowledge of the fate of your life.  But there are tons of times when people are unlucky, but still don't gather many details about how their lives are going to end (e.g. losing a dollar at roulette), so I would say that, no, people are not lucky because they don't know that they are finally going to end up somewhere come the ends of their lives.

  8. I would counter the question by asking .. How do you know that they don't know their final destination ?

    If they don't know, then yes ... as a person is lucky not to know that they will die on a certain day (to my mind), as would a cow for not knowing their life-span.

  9. What is it they say, ignorance is bliss?

  10. As an engineer I visited an abbatoir and there is a feeling in the air and the cows do know that something is wrong .

    So, no, they don`t have it lucky

  11. As a big meat eater, from parants from up north and brought up on meat, I watched a Channel 4 progamme on the ethical.......but not ethical killing of meat and I havent eaten meat since. I am not nieve, and have watched many biased / unbiased progammes before and to be honest my partner eats meat, me and my son do not. I do think cows have this it ? ....not lucky, but quicker way when killed ethically....however what is ethically ?...not picking a vegetarian fight, just curious?

  12. well sometimes the cows do know because they can see what is happening to the ones in front of them in the line. they freak out and i think it is mean.

  13. especially when they're stripped of their sexual identity and every other sense of self.

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