
Do cream poodles usually fade?

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I have a 14 week old standard poodle, in medium cream with slightly darker ears. I have read that all poodles fade, but I also read that creams don't fade (apricots, which are very similar, do). Does anyone know which is true? I wouldn't really mind if he fades, but he's such a stunning color right now. :)




  1. well poodles dont usually fade until they are 4 or 5 but some are early most of the time they get darker then fade fast but you shoulnt worry he will get prettier with love and care

  2. I have a cream colored standard poodle as well! she's almost 6 years old and she's still the same beautiful color as when we got her. so as of my experience they don't fade.  

  3. Certain colors are suppossed to fade as the dog matures..  for example blue poodles appear to be black when born.  I dont think cream has the fading gene (tho I may be wrong)..  however that doesnt mean he will stay that "exact" shade.

    You wont know your dog's exact shade of color until he's fully mature.. the coat may lighten or darken as he sheds his puppy coat and the adult coat grows in.

  4. I would say no. The colour may fade slightly over time but it should maintain its colour of the long term.

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