
Do creatures, other than humans, f**t ?

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with noise




  1. Every living creature farts- every one!  And apparently, for what it is worth, turtles and snakes have some of the stinkiest farts while the termite is probably the most frequent farter.... you want to slow global warming?  Kill termites!

  2. My dog dosnt stop lol!

  3. my dogs do all the time (blah)

  4. i have heard a monkey f**t at the zoo, my dog farts sometimes, and I heard my friends cat f**t all with noise.

  5. My cat farts all the time! lol so gross.  

  6. Cows,Dogs,horses,even politicians do it through their mouths

  7. yes my fat cat farts constantly. thats a gross question :-/

  8. Of course - can tell you've never seen a horse or a cow.

  9. Turtles do.

  10. my dog does all the time

  11. Certainly, feed some turnip or carrot to your dog and stand by, you may not hear anything but the stench is out of this world

  12. uhm , yes ...

    it's natural =\

  13. Yes, but none can compare to me.  

  14. My 2-year old pug does ;].

  15. dogs f**t noisily

  16. There is a great book- intended for kids but I have given it to adults as a joke.  It is called The Gas We Pass.  Yes- all animals f**t.  If it has an ***, it farts!

  17. Of course they do.  Pretty much all mammals do.  Meat eaters f**t more than herbivores.  But cows are notorious farters.  Google cow methane global warming.  There's a pretty reliable theory that cow farts (methane) contribute to global warming.

  18. cows.. seriously, they're to blame for a lot of greenhouse gases, too, lol all that methane

  19. mt freinds cat did once, while we were all on the bed.

    its made me deppresed for a weekand >.<

  20. Our Cocker Spaniel was so bad at it that we used to blame my ex!!  Horses do also.

  21. yup, not as much but yes, and when they do, whew, you do NOT want to be near them.

  22. my dogs do it all the time and my guinea pig did once as well.

  23. If it Poops it Farts

    Well, almost. If by ‘fart’ you mean ‘release gas from the gut’, then all animals with guts will, in fact, f**t. Insects, fish, lizards, snakes, cats, dogs, mice, elephants . . . almost any creature you can think of. In fact, the only ones that don’t f**t are those that didn’t evolve guts – like sponges, jellyfish and some types of worm. Guts are for taking in food and plopping out waste products, and these animals either absorb food through the surface of their bodies, or eat and poo through the same hole.

    Gross. I think I’d rather have guts.

    Absolutely. But then you have no choice but to f**t. As food is digested in the gut, gases are made from the chemical reactions inside. So it’s either f**t or starve for most animals. Including us.

    Really?! You mean you have to f**t? That’s brilliant!

    Well, again, that depends on what you mean by ‘fart’. If you mean ‘release gas from your bottom’, then, yes – you have to.. It’s happening all the time, whether you like it or not. But if you mean ‘trumpet loudly and award yourself a mark out of ten’, then no – this isn’t strictly necessary.

    Curses. So farts are just food gas from our guts, then?

    Well, that’s not the whole story. Most animals (including us) also have bacteria living in their guts that release more gases as they, too, break down food. Many animals – particularly plant-eaters like rabbits – couldn’t live without these bacteria in their guts. For land animals, some f**t gas also comes from air swallowed with food accidentally. All this gas has to go somewhere, so it gets pushed along with the food to the animal’s bottom . . . and you know the rest. Of course, some animals f**t more than others.

  24. Dogs do! Oh, it's so annoying and stinky.

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