
Do credit card companies charge a processing fee to credit back someone's card?

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Do credit card companies charge a processing fee to credit back someone's card?




  1. It depends on whether you mean from the cardholder's point of view or the merchants point of view.

    If you are the card holder there are no charges for the process of having a refund issued to your card. You still will have to pay any accrued interest for that charge if the refund occurred after your first billing date since the purchase was made but otherwise there is no cost to you.

    If you are a merchant and issuing a refund you will incur a fee for issuing a refund. How much that fee is will depend on the rate structure of your merchant account but it usually is the same as your transaction fee for purchases. They do not charge a percentage like to they for sales so you would be looking at a fee of anywhere from 15¢ to 30¢.

  2. None of mine do.  

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