
Do crystal skulls appear naturally or were they carved by ancient civilizations?

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Do crystal skulls appear naturally or were they carved by ancient civilizations?




  1. Most of them are fakes carved by Europeans within the past 100 years

  2. They were carved in the 19th Century. There has been much nonsense written about them. In some 1950's mags I found at Mcdonald's in SF, there are silly articles about them.

  3. False dichotomy.

    The Crystal Skulls were a forgery.  Do the wikipedia thing...

  4. They are carved

  5. Altough the mysterious crystal skulls were brought back in the public’s attention by the launch of the new Indiana Jones movie, according to a new study, visitors aren’t really getting their money's worth, as the items found in both London’s British Museum and Washington DC’s Smithsonian Institution are fake.

    Researchers came to the conclusion that certain tools that couldn’t have possibly been available to neither Aztecs nor Mayans were used in the making of the skulls.

    With the help of an electron microscope, it was established that the skulls were created by using a certain type of rotary wheel technology that wasn’t being used by pre-Columbian societies. The results of the X-ray diffraction analysis that was performed on an artifact from the Smithsonian, show that carborundum, an abrasive material which began being used sometime in the 20th century, was part of the item’s crafting process.

    According to Professor Ian Freestone, from Cardiff University, there is enough evidence to point out the fact that the skull only goes back to the 1950s.

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