
Do csa/benefits ask to see birth certificate?

by  |  earlier

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hi there

I was wondering if anyone knew anything about csa etc

Do csa ask to see a copy of babies birth certificate at all or the benefits department?

reason why i ask,is the name on BC is not the actual father and i dont want him chased up ( he does know he is not the father)- and i really dont have any details of the actual father ( please dont judge me on this- it was a time in my life i want to forget and im moving on)

any help greatly recvied




  1. In order to get benefits you must take the father on the birth certificate to court for child support.  

  2. It's a pity us tax payers can't do the same and forget a time in your life, but unfortunately I think we will be left to pick up the bill yet again. In answer to your question, yes I would think the CSA will require a BC.

  3. csa do ask to see it if he disputes he is not the dad.  on some forms you do have to put the real fathers name.  I do think there is a part to put your details down. I doubt another man will pay for a child that is not his! if you are on benefits they try to claim from a man rather than the gov.  Speak to CAB and see what help you can get. you wont be the first in this situation or the last. Just do the right thing.  

  4. No they don't ask for the birth certificate, they will ask for your child benefit number just to prove that your naming the right child and not trying to name a child that doesn't exist. It is up to you to provide them with the details of the fathers name, if it is not known you will not be able to claim child maintenance but will still be able to claim benefits.

    You don't take anybody to court anymore, its done throught the CSA, they are the only ones who will take the father to court and that is only if he refuses to pay. What happens is when you make a claim for benefit, they will make a claim for you through the CSA, all you will have to do is say you don't know the details of the father, the benefit office don't ask to see birth   certificate they will just simply state on your application that father is unknown and no claim through the CSA will be made. Thats it done and dusted, though you won't get any money from the father it doesn't make any difference as it would have been taken off any benefit you would have received anyway. For example if the babies father paid £50 a week, £50 a week would have been taken away from your income support, so you would have recieved only £10.50 from them. Its all changing at the end of october though, you no longer have to go through the CSA to receive benefits like you do now!

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