
Do cyclones effect your mood?

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I have heard of Seasonal Affective Disorder and the weather affecting your mood, so I am wondering can a tropical low pressure system or a building cyclone can effect your mood? This is my first wet season in the north west of WA and I have found that I feel quite deflated just before a cyclone or a tropical low. Is depression more common in the wet season when the humidity and temperature is high and the pressure system is very low?




  1. Yes. Remember that the head is a closed shell. It does have pockets of space. So when outside pressure is low, the inside head spaces (like sinuses) increases (like a balloon would) causing all the symptoms some people can feel.

    Likewise during high pressure, these spaces are compressed, causing less pressure on actual brain tissue. So on those sunny high pressure days, we feel much better.

  2. Yes,it's not paranormal it's normal.

  3. Cyclones are affecting always of mood all the people.  There is change of temprature and climate.  If it is normal then every body feel good and enjoy and enjoysome or plesant.  But if it at high vilocity then it can be destructive and naturally feeling of the people will be sad and even loss of lives, materials.  So it depend upon the situation.

  4. Yes. It's normal.

    There have been teachers in my family who in the past have noticed an increased agitation/distraction factor in primary school children when it is a very windy day too! (On many different occassions)

  5. yes

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