
Do cysts make you infertile?

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hi i just been for scan and i have cyst's on my ovarys :(

does this make you infertile ??

i forgot to ask the radioligist ??





  1. I'm not sure if you mean Polycystic ovaries or not, so i'll tell you my experience with that just in case.

    I got diagnosed with PCOS in April. My periods went wonky 10 years ago, so this condition went undiagnosed for that long. The doc gave me metformin for insulin resistance, and told me to lose weight. I lost ten kilos. I am now 8 weeks pregnant!!

    I think there are things that can be done if it's cysts too, such as an ovarian diathermy. (burning small holes in ovary to cause it to heal itself).

    Bottom line, if you're menstruating regularly, chances are you're ovulating just fine though. :)

  2. No it doesnt make you infertile. I am proof of that!!  i have about twenty on each ovary and i am now 9wks pregas!!

    there is so much you can talk to your doctor about regarding these tests Radiologists aren't meant to say to much about their findings. They pass their report on to the doc and the doc makes the final decision.

  3. no it doesn't make you infertile my sis-in-law had an cyst on her ovary and she now has a 8 month old and is now 3 months pregnant now so if you are trying to have a baby go right ahead and may God bless you and oh yeah the dr. told her that she only had a 20% chance of getting pregnant and look at her now

  4. did she mention pcos ? as she might of ment you have that she shouldn't be talking to you about it to be honest as it's the dr's job to explain what wrong with you, as i'm guessing this made you panic a bit - thats why she shouldnt of said anything.

    some people with pcos - are luckly and able to have babies naturally with no help

    (like miss vic beckham) and others might need a bit of help when ttc with things like clomid, metformin, iui, or evn ivf i read somewhere that it is very unlikely that you'd end up childless if you had pcos (if you wanted children)

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