
Do decanates and duads apply to placements other than the Sun?

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Just wondering if these can be used elsewhere...for an ascendant for example, would an ascendant at 4 deg. of a sign be expressed differently than one at 21 deg. of the same sign? Are there some placements which you can use these with and others which you cannot?





  1. Yep. All of the planets use decans. SOME  Modern astrologers (whom I have no repect for) use them with the ascedant and sun. What many Modern astrologers do not realize is that decan is actually one of the dignities used in tradtional astrology. This dignity is called  face and it is considered a very weak benificial aspect. Decans origin are from the ancient Egyptian calendar, (later simplified by the Chaldeans) which divided the year into 36 ten-day periods, each presided over by a particular stellar deity. The decans or decanates (meaning tens) are known to have been important in late Egyptian astrology and are still used along with the other dignities in traditional astrology today.  

    An illuminating article by Ben Dykes:

    EDIT: The asendant being expressed differently and any other planet yes. I have aquarius ascendant at 25 degress and so I have it in the libra (venus) decan. I have noticed that balance and order are somewhat important to me.I think it is the decan because their is no other libra influence.

  2. I see no reason why they couldn't apply to more than just the Sun.  I vaguely recall reading something to that effect in a real book. lol  I didn't pay much attention though because I don't really use them.  I will star so I won't be completely useless. :)

    **Janet- My Jupiter is exact conj your Asc. :)

  3. omg, Restless, we really are on the same wavelength.  Really, I have been thinking the same thing for the past couple of days.  I have 27 degrees of Cancer rising.  So, does that mean that I am more like a Cancer / Pisces rising because it is in the last 10 degrees of the sign.  Anyway, I will star later to help get more answers.

    -wish I could give you a good answer.

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