
Do democrat parents have complete control over their children 24 / 7?

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so you all know for sure she didn't plan this pregnancy do can I barrow your crystal ball next time I play the lottery?




  1. No, but when their children get pregnant, it's just a mistake, which they quickly correct by killing it.  When it happens to others, they're dirty s***s who have the audacity to let the baby live.

  2. No, but  that is not the point. Others don't have the platform to promote their agenda to the rest of us and deny parents the opportunity to give their daughters (or any woman) the option to choose to use birth control or to make choices in the event birth control fails or in the case of rape or incest.  Palin has point blank said she is against education that would give young people the ability to make better choices (she is even against teaching evolution as science) and would like to charge, try and imprison a woman who aborts due to incest or rape as a criminal.

  3. Because REALISTIC parents know they CAN'T have 24/7 control over their children, they advocate full s*x education and available birth control.

    UNREALISTIC parents pretend that abstinence-only s*x ed will take care of the problem.

    Higher usage of birth control, supported by liberals, would actually cut DOWN on abortions, by preventing more pregnancies altogether.  Lesser availability and education of birth control, supported by conservatives, actually INCREASES the "need" for abortions.  Ironic, huh?

  4. No.  Nobody does.  The problem is the GOP has been pushing "family values" down our throats for years, pretending they know better.  This girl shoud be able to have an abortion if she chooses.  But no, she is a Palin, and they have family values.  

  5. Of course they do, but another factor is when they don't, the can spirit their children away to have an abortion before anyone knows.

  6. Actually, they don't even try; they are allowed to do whatever they want to or it might "damage their selth esteeeeeem".  

  7. No, but we don't deny reality by saying "just say no" and tell you how to raise your kids.  

  8. No, that's why we try to give our kids information to make smart decisions, rather than filling their heads with evangelical garbage.

  9. No - but we don't lobby against s*x education and birth control, either.

  10. No, but we don't claim to be the party of family values. That's why its sad. Here are two candidates that if they paid more attention to their families they might not have ended up in the situation their end. Cindy McCain an ex-addict who said McCain didn't know. Maybe, cause he wasn't home and Palin, who's 17 yr old is knocked up. Maybe, she needs to stay home a little more.

    One more note...even if she did plan this pregnancy what 17 yr, un-married girl living in her parents house would be planning a pregnancy? I would have to say she screams low self-esteem. She should be planning her prom, grad, what college she will be attending not having a baby.

  11. What children?

    I thought they were all aborted?

  12. No, thats how liberals are created.

  13. It's not called control, it's called parenting.  My parents are Dems and raised me with values such that I managed to not get pregnant at 17, actually I don't even go to church and I didn't have s*x until I was married!  Go figure!

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