
Do democrats feel that all the people on US paper currency should be dudes?

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What does the democrat establishment have against woman?




  1. Democrats almost chose Hillary.  Democrats were the first to dare to pick a woman as a VP candidate.  Democrats fought for equal pay long before Republicans even acknowledged that it was right.  .  Democrats wouldn't "out" a female CIA's identity as punishment for not agreeing with them.  Democrats don't want to send a mother's child off to fight a war based on lies.  Democrats against women - now I've heard just about everything.  No, I'm wrong - there's still two months left for Republican smears.

  2. No.  And your "question" is ridiculous.  So here's another ridiculous question.  

    Do republicans feel that all the people on the US paper currency should be white?

    What do republicans have against minorities?  Why have they never nominated a person of color for VP or the presidency?  

    What haven't they ever voted a woman or a minority to the top of their ticket?  

  3. Ummm Hello??! Hillary Clinton IS the Democratic establishment.

    Just because she lost the nomination doesn't mean the Dems hate her lol

  4. Don't forget the Democrats are the party of slavery,the kkk, they voted against civil rights in the 60's and many harbor that good ol boy attitude towards women.

  5. LOL

  6. Paper money is all dudes.

    But look at the Susan B. Anthony dollar, and the Sacajawea dollar (both coins)? Women are worthy of metals, men deserve only paper.

    As long as Bush doesn't end up on the money, I am happy.  

  7. Let's see, Geraldine Ferraro, Hiliary Clinton, Michele O'bama,

    Nancy Pelosi, Democrats.  Now lets see Republicans Condolezza

    Rice, ...,,

  8. They are waiting for a good cross dresser to make his/her/it's way on to the dollar.........

    I got a buck on Janet Reno with her leathers and strap on friend.  Perhaps Barney Frank could model his catchers mitt for the occasion.

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