
Do dentists have the same confidentiality rules as doctors?

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I'm 19 years old and I'm wondering if my dentist can tell my father I have cavities if I tell him not to. My father would be paying for the appointment. Just so you know, I'm doing this so that when I go away to college I can go to a dentist there and pay to get the cavities fixed myself, I'm not going to let them get worse or anything, I just don't want my father to be mad at me or have to pay for that.




  1. yes the dentists have the same confidentalialty rules as doctors

  2. Yes! They have confidentiality rules but you really should get them filled as soon as possible. No matter how good you take care of them until then they are still infected and can get worse.  I am a 28 year old mom, believe me- your dad just doesn't want you to have to go through pain of fillings- that's probly why he has tried to warn you against getting them, but I really think your dad will not disown you because you need some fillings!  If you tell him you are really upset at yourself and were worried about telling him I'm sure he would understand. Please don't wait until it gets worse! Plus, if you have a cavity then you are more likely to get more if you don't get them fixed because the bacteria in there have a spot to hang out and cause more cavities!

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