
Do detractors of Obama really think they are going to be taken as anything other then racist hatemongers....?

by Guest10830  |  earlier

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By posting questions accompanied by pix of obama in arab head dress. Or when thier name contains the name Hussein. How can we view them as anything other than on par with the same kind of ignorace which brought us Jim Crow laws?




  1. It doesn't seem to matter to Obamamites that they may be a detractor because of the policies Obama has stated he will enact. You just call us all racists and haters.

  2. You seem far too passionate on this issue. Calm down. There is no need for such a violently knee-jerk reaction to a common phenomenon. Be above the common denominator and set the proper tone for debates and you'll find more than enough people that will meet that level.

  3. Don't give a rip.  You can call me anything you want, doesn't mean that I am what you call me.  I have a little too much self-respect to be bogged down by what you believe is true about me.  Obama will be a horrible president, if elected.  I hope that you want to give more money to a government that will waste it at the first opportunity.

  4. Thank you, Captain Obvious.

  5. There are just as many Obama detractors that don't do these things.  We SHOULD be taken seriously.

    Hillary supporter for McCain

  6. I know how you feel about me and I realy dont care anymore.  You people have thrown the word racist around so much that it has really has lost all meaning at this point.

  7. No, they do not.

    Everyone who citizens Obama expect to be called names.

    By the mere construct of your question, you have defined the acceptable dialogue.

    Anything said that does not favor BHO you are automatically a racist.

    To imply for instance that the use of HIS name is racist is ludicrous.

    The last time I checked it was his name. I didn’t give it to him.

    If you want to call someone racist it would be his parents who actually gave him the name.

    I hope you get a lot of supportive responses that agree with you.

    Rhetorical questions are tiring.

    And, before you get a chance.


    A racist, bigoted, hate-monger, war monger, sexist, fascist, insensitive, neo con, etc.

    (if I forgot your favorite dysphemism,  I apologize)

  8. do they care what you think?

  9. I am against his lack of experience...I wonder where the 1/2 white of him has gone too...and I think the Democratic party will hurt us all with the handout's and the continuation of the entitlement state. He appears smart and happy...though I see in his gaze an amazement that he is as popular as he is...This Presidential race has the earmarks of all the promises of vapor when we need substance...I Love America...have fought to protect her...and like you I am aware of this oil slick of ignorance that is a byproduct of the battle waged...But I will still vote for the other guy. I might add that this racial intolerance is equally afoot within all races...and I hope to see it honestly and openly discussed...then maybe we all can just be...Americans first.

  10. People need to lighten up. Just as Bush is made fun of now, just as Clinton was made fun of in the 90s, Obongo will be made fun of, regardless of whether or not he gets elected. Same goes for McInsane.

  11. I have been doing battle with this site on this issue lately. When you "out" a racist hater, you pay a price here. They delete your comment in a heartbeat. "Let us handle it" they repeat. But where is a cop when you need one?

  12. Kinda like when we laugh or post questions about him putting spinners on the limo?

    Think what you want about me, I know who I am, i know what I believe, and could care less what you think honestly.  I think its funny!  And if you'd take your head out of your a** you'd realize that everyone makes generalizations about other groups of people, and most of the time, they're funny as well.

    for instance: white people, can't jump (there was even a movie) and can't dance (obviously), just two of them, there are many others.  Now tell me how my spinner comment is any more racist then those two??  Seriously, tell me and I'll stop using it.

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