
Do diaper Genie's really work??

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Do they really take the smell out?? Or would you just throw them away in the trash?




  1. I use a diaper genie...LOL I can't believe some people who answered your question couldn't figure out how to use it!!!  It does smell when you open the lid to put the diaper in it and especially when you have to empty it out.  This is my first baby and I didn't know what kind of diaper disposal system to get, so I got the diaper genie.  I'm thinking of trying out the diaper champ someday.  I also use another thing like the diaper genie with my cat (the litter locker) but the diaper genie is much easier to empty out!!!

  2. We have the Diaper Genie II and it works great.  The only time there's an odor is when we're pulling the bag out to tie it off, and then only if we're not holding it right.  You can certainly use grocery bags, but then a) you have to check them for holes or you will have an odor, and b) you will have to do a lot of grocery shopping to have enough!

  3. Just throw it in the trash and like everyone else here i have no idea how to get mine to work. Stupid things lol

  4. I use the Diaper Genie 2. It is aweomse! It blocks all smellies that go into it. I got the 2 because the original one you had to move stuff around every time you put a diaper in there and then when you pull it out its a big long string of bobbles with a diaper in each. with the 2 you just push the diaper down into the canister and all the diapers are in 1 bag and you just tie it off and start a new one.


  5. Dont buy that piece of c**p buy a diaper champ (Target has them and Walmart too I think) instead.  You can use just regular trash bags in it instead of having to buy diaper genie trash bags.

  6. mine didnt nor my friends just use the trash can as long as its covered and you change it daily if you are really worried put the dirty diapers in sobeys bags and tie them tight

  7. we use the trash can...we bought a diaper genie and my husband and I decided you need a degree in engineering to understand how to operate went to a second hand store unused.

  8. I agree with the first answer!!

    I couldnt figure out how to use ours..

    My husband actually broke it trying to get it to work right

    We just use a trash can and empty it everyday, and then if there is a stinky diaper we throw it away in the trash outside or in the garage

  9. I found it to be a waste you have to buy the special bags and by the time a kids poo totally reeks is when they are eating alot of food and go like 2times a day. breastfed babies especially produce little to no odor. You are better off using a small trashcan that gets emptied daily.

  10. I never used one.  I just use plastic grocery bags and use those.  I throw them away in the outside trash can and have never had a problem with smell.  Just make sure you keep the lid on the outside trash can. The nice thing about using plastic bags.  They are FREE! :)

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