
Do diesel cars require more attention in the winter versuses regular cars... what is the difference between?

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What is the difference between diesel and turbo diesel? Thanks!




  1. No. A Turbo diesel is just a diesel engine with a turbocharger nstalled. Many gasoline and diesels have turbo's. The Turbo is a small turbine driven by the engine exhaust gas.It forces air into the engine which increases its efficiency.

  2. that depends on how cold it gets where you live.  diesel fuel does tend to gel when the temperatures drop below 32 degrees F, but you can get fuel additives that prevent that. you should also have a block heater if the temp goes below about 20 degrees F to aid starting the engine when it is cold. if you have a glow plug engine, DO NOT USE ETHER to help start the engine as you will cause damage, and that gets real expensive real fast.

    a turbo diesel just has a turbocharger added to aid power production. most diesels these days use some sort of forced induction to build power.

  3. They start better when you plug them in, if they sit outside in the cold area's of the country.  They also have a glow plug that warms up the vital parts before you turn the key to start it when you don't plug them in.

  4. No - because modern diesel fuels have additives to prevent it "gelling" up in winter - unless you live in the coldest part of canada or cheat the taxman by filling up with heating oil.

    diesel engined cars will still require much more frequent oil changes, summer or winter.

  5. Yes, it's because the diesel can gel up in the winter.

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