
Do different kinds of alcohol produce different hangovers?

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So, last night I had 5 whiskey and diet's, and had a rather substantial headache this morning, but no nausea or anything. When I drink vodka, I don't get hangovers at all. Cheap beer kills me, so I don't even drink enough of it to give me hangovers. But good beer doesn't give me any problems. So is it possible that different alcohol's affect me differently?




  1. Definately

    People say that brandy give the worst hangovers.  Then dark hard liquor and red wine.  Then cider and white wine.  Beer is usualy ranked better than wine.  And clear hard liquors are the best.

    Also if you drink many diferent kinds of alcohol it is harder on your body.

  2. for sure.i can drink vodka till it comes out my ears but wine and lager kill me in the morning so in answer to your question yes different drinks do effect you.

  3. It's not the alcohol that makes hangovers different from drink to drink, it's the colorings and the flavorings (i.e., the impurities).  But you're also bound to have worse hangovers with something like whiskey and diet because of the diet.  When you drink cocktails that mask the taste of alcohol, you tend to drink more and not know it, so it's harder to control or monitor your drinking.

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