
Do different types of orange juice have vitamin C?

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Im doing a science fair project and im wondering how to test the amount of vitamin C???????




  1. I have no clue how to go about testing it but I know all oj had vitamin C

  2. i dont know how you would test it besides looking at the nutrition lable ...i know some juices have xtra vitamin c added to them

  3. First, you read the lablels and find out how much real orange juice is in there. Some have 10% real juice, others have higher amounts. Obviously, the amount of vitamin C will vary based on this factor too, I would think.

    You need to find out also what the FDA standards are concerning what percent of real juice / Vitamin C is required..or similiar stuff along this train of thought.

  4. I am sure that if grown in different areas of the world, different times of there year, and different types of fertilizer and other growing methods the natural amount might alter slightly from orange to orange but nto a signifcant amount. However, this is not something that I have actually looked into nor remember hearing about such a study being done.

    I do know that some brands add extra vitamin C to their OJ along with other nutrients. However, I can tell you that the amount of vitamin C in your OJ falls drastically once the package is open. Check out these numbers.

    The day you open your OJ it will have the most amount of vitamin C. The next day it will have only 50% of the vitamin C it had when you opened it. Day three it will have only 25% of the vitamin C it had when you opened it. Day four it will have under 10% of the vitamin C. So basically unless you are drinking it for taste alone you need to drink it within a day of opening it or you are wasting it. If you can't consume an entire container in a day then get smaller containers.

  5. They all have vitamin C, although the vitamin C is destroyed at high pressure or temperature. Sometimes juice manufacturers pasteurize the juice at high temperature, so some of the vitamin C is destroyed. They sometimes add it back in.

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