
Do divorced men have a sixth sense??

by  |  earlier

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We said goodbye and left. I came back for a second look. He was a long distance from me and turned and saw me...and he rushed back to me. Why were we unable to speak to each other then??

Please..this is not a story...I wouldn't bother asking. Thank you!




  1. Some do, some don't but not because they're divorced. This is probably the result of some chemistry developing between you two, and as such, it's infinitely more useful to you than a sixth sense he may have. Good luck.

  2. You are not sharing the rest of the story.

    I don't know about a sixth sense, but I do believe that some divorced people, men and women, sometimes suffer from something like "buyer's remorse," a condition which makes them regret that they sought a divorce. Sadly, once people take a position, they feel like they are forced to maintain that position. If they would only try to reconsider, they would realize that divorce will not bring the changes they think they want.

  3. You both were overwhelmed with emotion, so many different feelings rushing through your bodies. So many things each wanted to say but the thoughts were getting tangled up and both were afraid to speak. So both were just content to hold one another.

  4. I dont understand your question so I cant answer with complete satisfaction to myself .

    How ever I can tell you NO divorced men do not have a sixth sense.

  5. They have members just like divining rods. Always seeking out moisture. Those divorced guys now when the well is filled with water and its dry as a bone.

  6. He was going to turn and look at you anyway.  He didn't want to end the relationship.  You were unable to speak because you didn't want to be with him, and he was hoping you would take him back.  He didn't want to make himself look a fool so he said nothing more.

  7. I don't think so.  We may have a better understanding of women than other single men because we've lived with one and been through the marriage process.  I don't think we know anything else and some men have been in long-term relationships with marriage so they have wisdom.  Sounds like this may be a good thing happening though.

  8. Maybe you could not speak because it was a sad situation for both of you - and words just would not come for each of you.

    Not all people have "six sense".   Some people have it - others do not have it.

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