
Do doctors eat meat ?

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Cause u can get tons of diseases from it like mad cow d...




  1. I do pretty well every day.

    There is nothing in life free of risk. What one hopes to do is become better at judging relative risks, and balancing relative risks is basically what we do for a living. There are very few situations in which we find ourselves treating with the idea that "oh, well, it can't hurt anything," and that's generally in people who've just dropped dead.

  2. Do you even know a single person who knows a person who knows a person who knows a person that has mad cow disease?  The odds of somebody who eats 10 pounds of beef daily contracting mad cow disease are less than the odds of me being struck by lightning twice in the next 5 minutes.

  3. I believe it's in violation of the meat-eating principles for physicians to eat meat or pizza.  These are forbidden to physicians.  

    Most physicians have photosynthetic capacity so far as I know and really don't need to eat at all, let alone breathe.

  4. Oh yeah!  Barbequed, broiled, grilled, baked... mmmmm

    You're actually more likely to get infectious diseases from other people.

  5. Doctors are regular people whatever you eat they probably eat also.

  6. Well as long as they are not vegetarian, I do not see why they should not eat meat. Doctors are usually on their feet all day. They can surely use the amino acids found in meats to repair their bodies and keep their minds in top shape for the work they do.

  7. My doctors all eat meat.  I am sure there are vegetarian doctors, too.

  8. I know doctors that eat meat...and doctors that are vegetarians.  Doctors aren't a "special" group of people...they are just as diverse as any other profession.

  9. Yes we eat meat. Not all of us, of course, some of us are vegetarians...

    Mad Cow Disease is a bit of a misnomer - you don't actually catch BSE (bovine spongiform encephalopathy); the disease humans can get is a similar form of disease called new variant CJD. Both diseases are similar, and involve mutated proteins (prions) getting into the brain, which CAN be transmitted by eating mechanically reconstituted meat containing diseased cow. The mutations can then be passed on down the germ line.

    Doctors are people just like the rest of the world population. We can have as much bad luck as anybody else and eat uncooked shellfish, dodgy raw egg or even have a bit too much to drink.

    Nobody's impervious to these things unfortunately, we all get smacked in the face with a bit of bad luck/ silliness sometimes...
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