
Do doctors have time for family?

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I am 16 years old, and the study of human anatomy extremely intrests me. Ever sinse i was little, ive wanted to be a heart surgion.

Now that im older, i realize that doctors have almost no time for a family, and thats something taht is very important to me, because i never had a real family.

So i was wondering if there was anything else, that has to do with medicine, that i could consider.

i really dont want to give up my dreams, but i also really want to have a family, and not have them raised by a nanny.

ANy help?




  1. Yea they have time for family. It depends if you are organized real good

  2. Do not give up on your dreams! It sounds like being a doctor is something that is in you and that's what makes a great doctor. It is true that doctors stay very busy with their work, but in time you can start your own practice and you will find time for a family too. When you truly follow your dreams, things have a way of falling into place. FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS!

  3. I don't know if you noticed but a lot of doctors participate in making families.

  4. Doctors have time for families.

  5. I have three children, one was born before med school, one during residency and another right after.

    I have time to help with homework, run kids to activities, spend time with my husband, etc.  You learn to prioritize your time.

    Almost every physician I know has a family.  Families have to understand that work takes up a lot of time.  Medicine is not unique in that respect.

    We've never had a nanny, but my husband is a stay-at-home Dad.  It works for us.

  6. It takes at least 8 yrs. to be a Dr. and in those years you will not have a time for family. After that it will be very hard especially if you are working at a hospital, getting calls at home, etc etc

  7. As a surgeon, no...the hours and duties are not compatible with being there for your family.  Your schedule is constantly being changed and extremely variable.  

    Now there are family friendly specialties like pediatrics, family med or ER...these specialties have regular hours that you can schedule around to spend quality time with your family.

  8. You can make choices that will infuence how much control you will have over your personal time.  Being employed by a hospital, or being part of a large group practice, for instance, will give you more structure & usually less "on call".  Certain specialties like dermatology tend to have less need to be available in the evening or on holidays or weekends.  Surgeons & ob/gyns have a pretty hard time controlling their personal time.  I know many physicians who are very involved in their children's lives.  But I don't think it is easy & it definately helps if you have an supportive spouse.

  9. Working as a physician in the US, at least, one can work less than full time and still earn very decent money.  So yes, if you're not driven, or greedy, or have a financially demanding wife, then you can have plenty of time for family.


  10. Just don't try to have a kid until you have finished your residency.

  11. of course, why will have time for family. it all depend on how you organize your time

  12. This depends on the kind of person you are. My personal opinion is that doctors do have time for family. Even my aim is to become a doctor - a cardiologist.

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