
Do dog Pheromones affect humans like when the dog is in heat?

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Do dog Pheromones affect humans like when the dog is in heat?




  1. no.

  2. Oops - when I initially answered this question, I thought you were asking if people can be affected by pheromones similar to how a dog is affected by them... I didn't read carefully enough to see you were asking if people are affected by DOG pheromones - and the answer to THAT is "no".  :-)

    But I left my original answer below, just in case it's of interest (and so I don't waste the 15 minutes it took to write!).  LOL


    That's a great question, and I don't think anyone can categorically give a definite 'yes' or 'no' to that question yet... since there is research going on now to prove whether pheromones affect people like it does to animals, which shows that many scientists believe it may be true.

    A lot of people believe we are completely different than animals now - more civilized etc - and forget that we evolved from more primitive species and still have many of the same traits...  

    For instance, if you get really scared (by an especially scary horror movie for instance), you can feel the hair raise on the back of your neck and get 'goose bumps' on your (relatively) unhairy arms... which is exactly how our primitive ancestors, and many animals today, react when they are scared - the goosebumps on a hairy arm would cause that hair to stand out farther from our body and make us appear larger than we/they actually are... thus appearing more intimidating to whatever is scaring us (ie a predator).

    So what's to say we don't unconsciously or subconsciously react to pheremones as we likely did in our more primitive form, even though our noses are less developed than a dog's (for instance) or that they may have once been.

    There is a news bulletin that has mentioned a pheromone specific product that's available, along with some info about pheromones in general, and I recall that product's page has more information about how pheromones may work on people too.

    I added a link direct to that page in my "source(s)" below in case it, or the other similar info, is of interest to you. Just scroll down to the last half dozen paragraphs of the article, just above the comments section.

    Hope that helps!  :)

  3. nope

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