
Do dogs have memories and do they remember things that they did during the day?

by Guest60037  |  earlier

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Do dogs have memories and do they remember things that they did during the day?




  1. Oh yeah. My dog has a great memory.

  2. Sure they have memories. If not, they would forget who you were when you came home.

  3. of course dogs have memories...and thay r very sharp...u can see that a dog can remember taste,smell....etc things for very long time this proves that they have memories

  4. Absolutely.  My first dog adored my Grandmother whom he'd see maybe once a year, then after we moved, he was lucky to see her once every few years.  One would think he wouldn't remember her after 3+ years.   One sniff when she entered the house and he'd come unglued with glee.

    Little Jazz recalls her abandonment by former owners.  She only enters cars that *I* ask her to.

    Of course, all my dogs have always known what cars are associated with *their* pack members, when dinner & bed time is, and less enjoyably (on weekends) when it's time to get up!

  5. Yeah, that is why if they are abused they remember and dont like it. Yeah they have good memory.

  6. sure they do.they can rememba bad things happened to them their whole life

  7. Our dog can "bury" one of his toys in one room in the morning, and I will tell him to "go find it" and he will go and get the toys and bring it to me...every time.

  8. yes they must have they are normally very clever and they dream which means that they must have sum memories also

    if dogs are abused they always remember it and some dogs are never the same again!

  9. I remember reading once that 'everything is now with a dog'.  They remember something by its scent and also association.  You can be gone for five minutes or five hours and the dog has no conception of time.  Whenever you return he will greet you with the same enthusiasm because he knows your scent.  They don't carry the same emotions as humans although we like to think they do.

  10. Yes dogs do have memories. My dog is still missing his sister that we lost well over 2 months ago. He often gets one of her toys from the basket and lays looking at the door quietly whining waiting for her to come home.

    Also when we have been away for a couple of weeks you should see them go nuts when we get home.  

  11. I think so, that's how they learn tricks and stuff.

  12. I think so but I do not know what the extent of their memory is

    [as they can remember their name [react when you call them], commands, what they can't do [like be on the couch] etc]

  13. Yes, they have memories.  But it doesn't include anything that would be a normal body function.

    If you have a "counter surfer" that steals food from your counter tops, you must catch them in the act, as the memory associated with "stealing" is wiped out within 3 seconds.  Food is a necessity of life, and "stealing" the food is not associated with eating. How can something be "bad" if they must have it to survive?

    If they didn't have memories, you wouldn't be able to train them, nor would they have Breed Recognition.

    At our boarding facility, we tend to put boarding dogs in the same area as their own breed, if possible.  They seem to be happier if they see other "family members".

  14. I think they do. My chihuahua had a litter of puppies. Then at petsmart she was all happy and wagging her tail pulling me towds a chihuahua and it was her daughter! I was really happy to see her puppy! She was too then all the way home she looked sad!  

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