
Do dogs have periods?

by  |  earlier

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just wondering.its a random thought




  1. No they don't have periods, humans have periods.  They go into heat or the estrous cycle.

  2. Yes, it's called going into heat. If your dog does this keep it away from other dogs until she is finished with the cycle or you could have some unwanted puppies.

  3. yes, at least every six months

  4. They go into heat.  To prevent this (and unwanted pregnancies..) owners should get them spayed if they are not planning on breeding

  5. yeah, usually once or twice a year  

  6. yep, they sell doggy diapers for unspayed dogs

  7. mhhmm female dogs that are unspayed do hove them...

  8. No, they have heat cycles.

    A human female is at her least fertile during her period.  An unspayed ***** is at her MOST fertile during her heat cycle.

  9. Yes...When they refer to a cat or dog being in heat, that's when they are having their period.

  10. Yes, they go into heat about every 6 months or so unless you have them fixed.

  11. Yes, the female has a period every 6 months and did you also know that a cat or dog in heat can mate with and become pregnant by more than one male at a time? Meaning there can be more than one father in one litter? This is true. Explains the big difference in the babies.

  12. Yes, unspayed females do

  13. yeah, females have periods, but they are called heats. this is a time where you can breed the female to get her pregnant.

  14. Yes.

    But the term is ether- Heat or season.

    Not period.

    And only unspayed females have them.

    Spay and Neuter!


  15. technically... no..  they do bleed and have ovulation cycles.. but its not technically the same as a human having a period.

    Humans have menses, or periods..

    dogs go into estrus, or heat.

    The difference?

    Humans have tissues and fluids that form in the uterus to prepare for conception and pregnancy.. she ovulates, the egg is there for about 2 weeks, waiting to be fertilized.. when conception does not occour, then menses begins and the bodly flushes out all the fluids and tissues to "clean house" and the monthly cycle begins again.

    A dog will bleed (estrus) to cleanse the body and prepare for pregnancy.  She ovulates during this cycle... and is most fertile during this time frame.  The heat cycle lasts about 3 weeks, regardless of it conception occours or not.  She will bleed and accept a mate during those 3 weeks.  The cycle will begin again in about 6 months.

    Humans bleed because conception does not occour

    dogs bleed to prepare the body for a pregnancy.

    A spayed dog will not come into heat as all the reproductive organs are removed.

  16. yes, yes they do.

  17. Yes, they do. It's often called Heat. Im not sure how long exactly, but it lasts 2 weeks I believe...

    female comes into puberty about 6 to 12 months.The female comes into season about 2 times a year, it's not recommended that she carries the litter for the first time she's been in heat, because she may not be mature enough to tend to the litter properly.

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