
Do dogs have their own personalities?

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if you know what i mean..

for ex: a dog can be really playful and hyper and another dog can be lazy and not very playful.

if yes, describe ur dogs personality...

mine is stubborn and doesnt really like playing and hanging around ppl and sleeps alot.




  1. Oh yes, dogs have different personalities. I have been around many dogs, I used to train them plus my best friend runs a rescue. Each and everyone is different. Some have sensitive feelings and some really don't care what happens. My dog is so happy and excited and I would love to see what he was like as a person. I think he would be a silly ten year old boy who wants to be cool so he tries really hard to fit in. That would be my dog, he does anything for a "Atta boy!"

  2. Well I believe dogs have there own personalities. My dog has been gone for about 6 months but I remember he liked to be rocked like a baby and my moms dog didnt like to be held at all. Mine would crawl into your lap just to be rocked.

  3. yes. lol i have two dogs and let me explain to you how i know they have different personalities. i have two yorkies. roy and loly. loly is a lil bit bigger than a mouse. and roy is about ten inches tall. roy loves to bite my hands. loly likes to bite my nose. also roy is scared of household items such as purses vacuum, electric rats. loly doesnt show fear.

  4. Yes any thing that has a brain usually has it's own personality, weather it is human or beast.

  5. DUH

  6. My dog,Zena, is stubborn too but some times treats me like a kid.

    For some reason she doesn't like children, and you always know what she wants because she's a s****.-doo mixed with blue(ya know blue's clue's)When someone she likes is taking a nap she'll copy-taking a nap and waking up at the same time. When I'm teaching her tricks with treats she'll knock my hand down and snatch it from me and seems to enjoy doing it. I guess she's a nice bully.

    (sorry it was long)

  7. yes. like you

  8. yeah

    she actually has, like, facial expressions

  9. Of course they do! Every animal does! My dogs are really affectionate. Thanks for asking!  

  10. Yes they do.

    My chihuahua barks at people he doesn't know, and is really hyper.

    My shih tzu is really lazy and is very friendly.

    Haha, they are complete opposites, and I love them.


  11. yes that is true and pretty funny

    my little duoduo is the most cute guy he even play some small trick with me

    i just love it to death  

  12. Yeah some are shy and some are sl*ts.

  13. Of course. Dogs are known for having different personalities, especially with all of the different breeds that there are.

  14. yes

  15. Absolutely!

    My four dogs are:

    1. Whirling dervish

    2. Composed beauty queen

    3. Fraternity party boy

    4. Bar brawler and womanizer

  16. YES!! Especially pugs!!! My pug has the personality of a human, if she could talk she would, she is SPOILED ROTTEN and thinks she is a human! As much maintenance as a two year old!!!!! I love her though!

  17. of course they have personalities. my dog is playfull and curious

  18. Yes, my pomeranian loves to play play play all the time, but she's a sweet girl that will relax and sit at my feet while I surf the web :D

  19. oh yes for sure. but brothers dog is ubber sensitive! and my dog is just like a little human. cats too, animals have minds of their own..for sure!

  20. Absolutely!  My first dog was a doberman/german shephard mix.  He was all puppy all the time.  The smallest things excited him and he always acted like everything was new.  He also had fun facial expressions.  When we went for walks, he always wanted to go up everyone's steps.

    My dog now is a black lab/weiner dog mix (yeah, I know).  He is a big scaredy cat.  We know it's going to storm two hours beforehand, even if it's still sunny.  He can get quite playful but loves to lounge around indoors and out. Walks consist of peeing on everything remotely withing range, although he has very bad aim.  Lol.

    But at any rate, all animals have different personalities.

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