
Do dogs instinctively prefer one owner over another?

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Not sure entirely why this is, but ever since we got them, our dogs seem to have preferred the company of my wife over me. They get very animated and excited when she gets home, and follow her all over the house for awhile. They'll run up to the door and sniff her legs and shoes and try to get her to play with them, as if they've been attention starved while with me.

Whereas when I get home, they do look up to see who it is, but otherwise tend to ignore me unless I am carrying something interesting or they think I am about to take them out or feed them.

Weird because I am the one who usually feeds them, but I'm also the one who usually disciplines them.

By the way, they are a 1.5 year old female beagle, a 2 year old female lab/dachshund mix (don't ask), and a 1 year old male pitbull/boxer mix.




  1. You answered your own question.  You feed them, and scold them, and all she does is walk through the door and she is royalty.  You are also the safe place person, if you didn't realize that.  She might get the fuss when she comes home, but you are the one they run to when the big bad v-e-t person gives them a shot, or when they are scared of a big old butterfly.  When it is storming outside, they are probably all over you.  You think they love her more, but I bet they really love you more, and you just don't realize it.

  2. It depends on the vibe they get from each of you, I think. Our dog treats my bf decidedly different than he treats me. Like, he listens to his commands the first time and with me, I have to tell him three or 4 times. He'll nap with both of us but used to sleep on my pillow, never his, when the dog was tiny. Or he'll jump up on the couch in front of my bf but never in front of me. Stuff like that...

    I think it depends on what you let them get away with and the energy or vibe they pick up from either of you. Try mimicking your wife for a day, like how she treats them or how excited SHE gets when she sees the dogs, and see if you can tell a difference in how they regard you. It's just an experiment for fun - I'm no behavior-ologist. lol

  3. Typically an animal is more prone to listen to and pay attention to the primary feeder and disciplinarian. But dogs will also enjoy the company of someone who plays with them and gives them attention more often. More then likely they respect and listen to you better but prefer her as their playmate since she mostly just hsa fun with them.

  4. yes they prefer one person over the other.

    Does your wife stay home with them all day or does she work?

    My dogs flock around me even if I was only gone 10 minutes.

    I would not get too upset over this... its a dog thing & they will just be that way.

  5. Every animal I have ever owned has always liked me the most, it drives my boyfriend crazy:)  It is common that someone will bond with the animals and show more attention, affection and understanding.  I know I would rather hang out with my pets than with most people so they know that.  Watch how your wife treats them throughout the day and see how you can improve the way you interact with them.  

  6. I know Pit bulls do. My dogs love my boyfriend. But it is because he excites them. I come home quiet and ignor them until they calm down. He comes in and loves them up. But they do what I tell them to because they see me as their leader and not their buddy. So its okay, as long as they respect you, you should be fine.

  7. we also have 3 dogs, and they also do the same exact thing. When I get home they are crazy excited. When my Fiancee gets home they are just not as much though. They also prefer to sleep with me over him. I am not sure why this is to be perfectly honest. We treat them the same. Maybe its because they sense our motherly nature? I know When they are scared they come to me to protect them over daddy.

    I can't agree with the answer above mine...I am the one who feeds/walks/bathes you name it thats my deal. Daddy does the same exact amount of disciplining as I do. they lay with him while im home but when its bed time they want mom. They do treat us different, down to the way they give kisses(daddy gets more) So idk... Is she gone more often?

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