
Do dogs wear leashes in italy?

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Do dogs wear leashes in italy?




  1. I am Italian. (sorry for my English)

    It is illegal for a dog don't wear leashes. But it is tolerated walking a dog without a leashes.

  2. Most dogs are on a leash in Florence except in parks for dogs.

  3. No. They c**p on the sidewalks all over, so be careful where you walk.

  4. no. it's actually illegal. i lived in rome for 5 years.

  5. Yes, but not all the time. Some people with pets walk them on a leash and others do not use a leash especially along the bike path near where I live. In some places (especially Pompeii), there are large numbers of stray dogs. Obviously, they're not on a leash.

  6. yes, but just gold ones!

  7. If they have an owner they have a leash. If they are stray...or if their owners are homeless people (a lot of homeless people here in Italy have dogs) then they are leash free.

  8. Dogs are rarely on leashes.... and the dog owners will leash their dogs only when a cop is on the horizon. Few dog owners clean up after their dogs and often when they do they'll just toss the bag or napkin full of dog shìt anywhere they please. Many Italian dog owners are on the same level as their dogs.

    The Italian Government should make dog licenses mandatory... and should charge a garbage tax on dog owners for animals create quite a bit of garbage too.

  9. hello... we are not in a different universe...

    yes ,dogs do wear leashes.....

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