
Do dolphins help people during a shark attack?

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Do dolphins help people during a shark attack?




  1. i dont think dolphins intentionally go around searching for shark attack victims but i recently heard about a pod of dolphins saving a man up in Monterey.they chased away the shark and performed a protective barrier around the man.

    ps:i do know that sharks are afraid of dolphins especially while in ther pods

  2. I wouldn't take the chance, if I were you. Sure, dolphins are intelligent animals, and can sense when another is in danger, including a human faced by a shark. But dolphins have also been raised in the ocean, a dog-eat-dog world. They watch seals, other whales, even their own kind, killed by predators. What makes humans any more differant than that prey? It is the food chain, afterall.

    Of course, there have been cases of dolphins saving humans. Even in Roman legends, centuries ago. They've bopped sharks, blocked the human, and the like.

    But I think it's things like the Flipper movie, and other dolphin hollywood flicks, including Orca, that portray dolphins as these human protectors. The truth is, they really aren't. A tasty school of herring swims by you while the shark prepares itself to charge; do you think they're really going to waste their time to hunt, to prevent the shark from his? Whatever fills the shark up faster, probably.

    Sharks DO eat dolphins. The fear is a loose myth.

  3. No.  Just ask yourself, would you want to be involved in a shark attack and depend on nearby dolphins to protect you?

  4. There have been numerous accounts of dolphins attacking sharks that were stalking or attacking people and then taking positions blocking the sharks from the people. That doesn't mean you can depend on dolphins to save you from sharks.

  5. Theoretically they might.  They have been known to help people who are shipwrecked or lost overboard.  And they can certainly attack sharks.

    However, shark attacks are so rare, that the chances of it happening when dolphins happen to be around are infinitesimal.

    Actually, they might protect people from sharks more often than we realize, by driving them off, or just because sharks stay away from them.

  6. Yes, there are actually accounts where schools of dolphins form a protective barrier around humans, and sometimes actually chase off the shark.

  7. Dolphins have helped people in many ways and there is a large number of accounts about dolphins helping people since the ancient Greece.

    Sometimes, dolphins have helped people in the ocean by protecting them from the attack of sharks.

    yes read it online

    They have done this by swimming around the people and making sharks go away.

    Other stories tell about boats being saved by following dolphins during thick fog conditions until the clear off dangerous waters.

  8. Depends on whether they smell tuna on the person's breath or not

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