
Do dreams always have to mean something, or can they be completely random?

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I understand the concept of analyzing one's dreams, and linking them into one's conscious life. But is this always the case?

I, for myself, tend to have very random, and dissassociative dreams, never maintaining a common theme, person, or idea. Yet some argue that all dreams have some inherit purpose or reason and should be analyzed.

I honestly feel that these dreams are just my subconscious on vacation and firing off random dreams at night. But do you think that these truly mean something, just like a vivid dream, or are just random synapses on cruise control?




  1. Oh yeah.. for me.. most of the time they're random and have no logical connection to everyday life or worries, etc. I think many times it could just be snippets of random images and memories. Plus not everything is deeper than what it appears to be and sometimes it is just scrambled nonsense. You take in so much information during the day that you're not even aware you're taking in.

    Dream analysis can be fun, interesting and helpful but sometimes a dream is just a dream. I don't think there is anything "deep" about dream analysis unless a person got some serious repression issues. Its relatively clear and obvious when transfered to the dream state.

  2. Dreams can be 101 different things. I think we know when it is just a random mixture of all sorts and when there is a meaning we ought to work through. Ultimately we are the ones who know what our dreams mean if anything. It can be useful sometimes though to get someone else's take on it and it can spark a reaction which helps us work things out.

  3. dreams are your brain sorting through the days memories and deciding what to remember and what o forget... it sorts them in the form of  mini stories... dreams are all these stories linked 2geva

    so your dream mean nothing

  4. Dreams are part of our subconscious which is the Bigger You accumulating myriad data after million of times of re-incarnations.

    For the good-health of yourself and the Bigger You, it has to come out and play or live.

    Dreams also allow outside info coming in, including warnings or help.

    For a Vajrayana Budhist practicioner, dreams are a part of his or her

    spiritual training.

    Therefore dreams are both complex and more important then most people know it.

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