
Do dreams mean something??

by Guest33159  |  earlier

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I have dreamt of this guy 4 times in the past 2 weeks and i havnt seen him in 2 weeks..does that mean something or is it just a dream??




  1. Our minds work in strange ways, for example if we are on an LSD trip, ummm milk sounds good just cause are body knows we need it, you get punched your bodys makes you feel pain so you know to...... stop getting punched, or to warn you that something is wrong, it would be nice if it could just come out and tell us, using human comunication, and dreams are the way they do that, you may have a dream about something and that is your mind telling you something, that is somehow connected, like a wet dream is convincing your body, to...... well you know.

  2. well i have had some pretty intense dreams or have had same dreams more than once and some of the time i have found my self in similar situations like my dream

  3. it means that you might like him.

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